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When rebecca slowly approaching them at the living room, Nita gulped as she quickly stood up and rub her stomach. "B-but im pregnant freen!" Nita shout, and that's make freen, Nam and rebecca gasped.

As Nita's words hung in the air, a heavy silence descended upon the room, the weight of her revelation sinking in with each passing moment. Freen's heart pounded in her chest, her mind reeling as she struggled to process the news.

Rebecca's expression remained stoic, her features betraying none of the turmoil raging within her. She felt a wave of disbelief wash over her, her mind racing with a million questions and uncertainties.

While Nam's reaction was immediate, her disbelief palpable as she scoffed at Nita's claim. "What?! Are you kidding me?" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with incredulity as she backed up Freen, her loyalty unwavering.

Nita's face paled as she attempted to convince them of the truth of her words, her desperation evident in the tremor of her voice. "I'm serious! I'm pregnant," she insisted, her eyes pleading for understanding.

Freen's mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions, her heart torn between empathy and suspicion. Could Nita be telling the truth? Or was this just another ploy to manipulate the situation?

Rebecca remained silent, her mind swirling with conflicting thoughts and emotions. She knew that the implications of Nita's claim were significant, and she couldn't help but wonder how this revelation would impact their already strained relationships. But, should she trust freen?

As the tension in the room reached its peak, Rebecca found herself grappling with a sense of uncertainty, unsure of what the future held for them all. And as she looked around the room, her heart heavy with the weight of their collective burdens, she knew that they were all about to embark on a journey filled with challenges and revelations, the outcome of which remained uncertain.

"tch. I should've not coming here." Rebecca suddenly said, sarcastic mumble hung in the air, her words dripping with bitterness as she turned to leave. Freen's heart clenched at the sound of her wife's voice, a surge of panic driving her forward as she reached out to grab Rebecca's wrist, her grip tight with desperation.

"No, no, no. Please, baby," Freen pleaded, her voice thick with emotion as she implored Rebecca to stay. But Rebecca remained frozen, her resolve unyielding as she stood there, her back turned to Freen.

Freen's gaze flickered to Nita, her eyes blazing with anger as she confronted her. "No way, Nita," she retorted, her voice trembling with fury. "I'm not touching you at all. What the fuck are you talking about?!"

Nita's smirk widened at Freen's outburst, a cruel glint in her eyes as she reveled in the chaos she had caused. "Where do you know? You were unconscious that night, Freen. You'll never know," she taunted, her words dripping with malice.

Freen's blood ran cold at Nita's words, a chill creeping up her spine as she struggled to comprehend the implications of what she was saying. The realization hit her like a ton of bricks, sending shockwaves of disbelief coursing through her veins.

As she stood there, grappling with the truth of Nita's accusation, Freen felt a surge of panic rising within her. Could it be true? Had she really been unconscious that night, unaware of what had transpired? No! Never. She didn't! Even her pants was on her body that morning!

The athmosphere was thick and silent at that moment.

"Really?! Then lets go. Lets fucking do the full pregnancy check up at the hospital." As Nam's words cut through the tension-filled air, a sense of relief washed over Freen and Rebecca, their suspicions confirmed by Nita's sudden change in demeanor. The truth was laid bare for all to see, and Nita's facade crumbled under the weight of her deceit.

Nita was freaking pale and trembling out of scared and nervous! It shows that she was definitely lying.

"See?! Fuck off, Nita, before I report you to the police," Nam's voice rang out, her anger palpable as she unleashed her frustration. Freen felt a surge of gratitude towards Nam, grateful for her unwavering support and fierce loyalty.

With a gulp, Nita quickly scooped Noah into her arms, her movements rushed and desperate as she made her retreat. The weight of her deception hung heavy in the air, her guilt evident in the way she avoided their gaze.

As Nita hurried away, a sense of relief washed over the room, the tension dissipating like a cloud lifted from their midst. Freen let out a sigh of relief, her heart pounding with the knowledge that they had narrowly escaped Nita's web of lies.

Rebecca watched Nita's departure with a mixture of relief and resolve, her heart still heavy with the weight of their tumultuous relationship. Though a small weight had been lifted from her shoulders, she knew that their journey was far from over, and she remained steadfast in her determination to hold Freen accountable for her actions.

As the door closed behind Nita, a sense of calm settled over the room, the echoes of their confrontation fading into the stillness of the night. And as they stood there, united in their shared victory, Freen and Rebecca knew that they had weathered yet another storm together, their bond stronger than ever before.

"Baby.. bec.." Freen slowly pulling rebecca, but rebecca pull her hands away from freen roughly.

Freen's heart sank as Rebecca pulled her hands away, her attempt to reach out to her met with rejection. She watched helplessly as Rebecca turned away, her words cutting through the air like a knife.

"Baby, I swear, she's just lying! You saw her face just now!" Freen pleaded, desperation creeping into her voice as she tried to convince Rebecca of Nita's deceit.

But Rebecca's response was cold and dismissive, her tone laced with sarcasm as she brushed off Freen's words. "Whatever. I came here for Nam, not for this nonsense," she declared, her steps purposeful as she walked away from Freen and approached Nam.

Nam gasped in surprise as Rebecca approached her, her eyes darting between the two women with confusion. She could feel the tension thickening in the air, a palpable sense of unease settling over the room.

As Nam glanced back at Freen, she couldn't help but notice the hurt and frustration etched on her face. She knew that Freen's intentions were genuine, but she also understood Rebecca's need for space and distance.

God, Look at freen. even with Nam, she gets jealous? Nam thought to herself, a wry smile tugging at the corners of her lips. Despite the chaotic situation unfolding before her, she couldn't help but find humor in the absurdity of it all.

As she stood there, caught in the middle of their tangled emotions, Nam couldn't help but wonder how she could do to keep this two together again. Is it any way?

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