Chapter Two - A Toast

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"Alright, I have her clothes, nappies, vest, pyjamas, dummy, wipes and toys in this bag and in this one there is her food and bottles for bedtime," Hermione said handing both bags to her father-in-law Lucius as Draco gave Sienna one last kiss and handed her over to Narcissa.
"We have everything we need," Narcissa smiled as she cuddled Sienna to her chest. "We are going to have so much fun. Aren't we gorgeous?"
"Narcissa has been looking to this sleepover all month. You might not get your daughter back at this point," Lucius smirked, but he caressed his granddaughters cheek as he spoke.

When Draco first took Hermione home to meet his parents, it was quite a shock. He had been nervous and hadn't mentioned who his girlfriend was. All he said was it was a surprise to them both and that he loved her with his whole heart. That was enough for Narcissa and Lucius, and they promised themselves that no matter who Draco brought home, they were going to welcome her with open arms.

And they did. It took a while for the awkwardness to leave and for them to be 100% happy with the union, but anyone with eyes could see how they felt for each other. They were soulmates. So his parents gave Hermione a chance, and she did not diappoint. Lucius found that for a muggleborn, she was a genius who had a real thirst for knowledge and a drive and determination that were to be admired. He was in awe of the girl after their first meeting. Narcissa couldn't believe that Draco had found someone so loving, compassionate, and understanding. Someone who knew of his past mistakes and didn't hold any prejudice against him. She let Draco be Draco, and Narcissa loved her for it.

At that first meeting, there was much awkwardness as Narcissa and Lucius apologised for their actions. Both had seen the error of their ways before the battle and didn't take part. They knew they were in the wrong, and they paid their dues to society for it. But the two couples found that after clearing the air, they had much in common and actually enjoyed each others company. After that, Hermione was a frequent guest at Malfoy estate.

The Manor had been destroyed after the war, and a smaller (but still ridiculously massive) home was built in its place. Hermione would spend time with Lucius talking about politics and the wizarding community, its flaws and strengths, and what she would do to improve it. Lucius hoped that someday she would run for Minister. He knew they needed someone as passionate and clever as Hermione. She even helped him make a few great business investments over the years. With Narcissa, Hermione was glad to have someone to help her with the styling and clothes shopping, and Narcissa was delighted to finally have a girl in the family to spoil.

Narcissa and Lucius were delighted when Draco made his intentions clear and asked for Mr & Mrs Grangers blessing to marry their daughter, which they were happy to give as they too adored the couple.

"If you have any issues at all, you can orb us, and we will floo or apparate straight to you," Draco said as he kissed his daughter again. "Now, Sienna, you be good for Nana and Pops." The little girl simply beamed in response.
"And Monica and William will be over tomorrow evening for dinner before picking this little angel up to spend some time with her," Narcissa looked at her children. "Yoy two, go and have fun! You deserve a break."
"Enjoy your weekend," Lucius smiled, kissing Hermione's cheek. "We will see you on Monday night for dinner."

After a few more kisses and cuddles, Lucius, Narcissa, and Sienna left just as a huge stack of luggage appeared in the lounge. There was no need to even ask who owned the bags. "Pansy," Draco, Hermione, and Luna said together, smiling.

"Not all of it," Pansy's voice rang out in the room as the fireplace roared to life and out stepped the Slytherin Princess. "That bag there is Leo's." She pointed to the smallest of the seven cases as her husband stepped through the fireplace, followed by Blaise Zabini, Theo Nott, and his wife Daphne Nott (née Greengrass).
"Half of it's mine," Leo corrected. "The other half is Pansy's shoes. Thank Merlin little Izaiah wasn't coming too or there would be at least four bags for him too. My son may only be 6 months old but he has more clothes than a department store."
Pansy rolled her eyes. "It's a full weekend of activities and a ball, of course. I need options for clothing. Plus, I have Mia's dress here for the ball."

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