Chapter Four - Something Wicked This Way Comes

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"Do you think she is here yet?"

Ginny sighed and turned back to her husband with a scowl but slight smirk on her face. She knew this would happen. She knew as soon as Harry set foot on the platform that his eyes would immediately begin scanning for another woman.

Most wives would be furious if their husband looked at another woman, but Ginny knew that Hermione Granger was not a threat. She was like a sister to Harry, and he just had to make sure that she was alright. That she was doing OK.

Ginny wasn't afraid to admit that she was still a little angry at the brunette for disappearing that night without so much as a 'f**k you' for any of them. Ginny to this day had no idea why she left and it pained her. Hermione was one of her closest friends and she obviously either went through something or found out something that she didn't share with them. Usually they had no secrets. Total transparency, as Hermione called it.

"Who?" Ron asked as he lifted his tattered old suitcase and threw it into the luggage compartment on the train. "Are you expecting someone?" He didn't turn to look at his sister and brother-in-law. He knew exactly who Harry was talking about. He just didn't want to think about it.

Actually, Ron had no intention of even coming to this stupid reunion weekend. He was well shot of school and most of the people in it. He didn't want to remember his past. He didn't care. He gave a sigh wanting desperately to get on the train so he could slip off to the bathroom and have a drink.

This was Ron's answer to most things these days. After the war, Harry and Hermione went to therapy to talk through their issues and deal with their emotions. Ron thought it was childs play and stupid and instead decided that hitting the bottle was a better choice. And he had been hitting the bottle almost every day since. Not that he was always blotto on the streets, he told himself. He wasn't a drunk. It was more for liquid courage. He never let himself have more than one bottle a day, and he had convinced himself that was responsible.

It was not. Both Harry and Ginny knew it, but they also knew they couldn't help Ron, unless he wanted to be helped. They had tried. And he simply got better at hiding it.

"Hermione you idiot!" Ginny snapped chucking her bag at him to put in the hold. "Who else? Harry wants to see if Hermione has arrived yet?"

"Who cares?" Ron snapped as his own eyes scanned the crowd. "She left us remember. Left me. Probably ran off with another fucker so forgive me if I don't give a rats ass where that bitch -"

Ron didn't get to finish as Harry took him by the collar. "Do. Not. Insult. Hermione. In. Front. Of. Me." He said empathising each words and talking through his teeth. "Do you hear me?"

Ron pushed his hands away and straightened up. "Yeah well with any luck she won't even come to this weekend. Probably too ashamed." He pushed past Ginny and Harry and stepped onto the train, only turning back when he was up the steps. "Well? Are you coming?" he snapped.

Ginny looked confused and cast her eyes to the woman standing next to her. A tall blonde with skin tight leggings and a see through white top on. "Coming baby!" She squeaked as she climbed up the steps, an almost impossible task in her sky-high heels.

"Who the fuck is she?" Harry asked as they headed for a compartment.

"Isn't that Lisa?" Ginny shrugged.

Harry shook his head. "No, couldn't be. He chucked her last weekend because she wanted him to meet her parents."

Ginny rolled her eyes. "Charming. Then is she Rochelle?"

Again Harry shook his head. "No she wasn't blonde, and she wore fewer clothes."

"Her name is Amy," Ron growled opening the door to an empty compartment.

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