Chapter Seventeen - The Library

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Ron was in a grumpy mood for the rest of the tour as Professor Flitwick guided them down each floor showing them their old classrooms and dorm rooms. Luna had the genius idea to take a camera with her meaning that everyone got some real great memories to take home with them. She was happily clicking away and gushing over Draco and Hermione who were standing with their arms around each other as they walked through the halls. With every click Ron's mood turned more and more foul.

"Now," Professor Flitwick smiled turning to the group. "The next stop is on our little tour is the library," Hermione gave a squeak of excitement as Flitwick chuckled. "I would have been disappointed if you didn't react Mrs Malfoy." She blushed and buried her head in Draco's chest, but he thought her reaction was adorable.

"You did want to see this place more than anything else," Draco shrugged taking her hand as they walked into this little slice of Heaven (in Hermione's eyes anyway). Draco turned to Blaise and Luna. "She wanted to come here yesterday, right after we left our bags off in our room."

Ron scoffed. "And what? You wouldn't let her come to visit?" He crossed his arms.

"Ron," Harry warned pinching his nose, knowing he was about to make an idiot of himself.

"What?" He snapped. "Does Malfoy always control you Mione? Do you have to do whatever he says? He wouldn't even take you to your favourite place in the castle in your first night. This would have been the first place I would have taken you, knowing how much you love books." He smirked. He expected Draco to snap, shout, lunge for him even, but Draco stood there smiling simply pressing his lips together and not saying anything, just looking at Hermione. "That doesn't sound like much of a relationship if you ask me and -"

"It's not that he didn't take her," Daphne defended.

"Actually he did offer to escort me last night," Hermione blushed.

"But what? He found something better to do?" Ron laughed.

"Em," Hermione was mortified and looked down at her hands which wee interlinked with Draco's. "Yes, pretty much."

The Slytherin's all realised what had happened and were grinning and trying to hide their laugh. Even Ginny had clocked on to what Hermione meant. Ron however was clueless. "Putting his needs before your own? Not allowing you to have a good time as well? He -"

"I assure you I always make sure my wife has a good time," Draco smirked, answering quite calmly. "We simply found a better use of our time alone yesterday afternoon Weasley." He leaned in towards him. "She had the choice to go to the library or stay in our room and she chose to stay." He winked just to empathise his point.

"You are even making me hot," Theo said pulling at his collar smirking.

"What are you on about?" Ron asked completely clueless.

Luna slapped her hand to her forehead. "Merlin Ron but you are dim sometimes. They were having sex, obviously. Hermione obviously decided that she wanted to have some fun while alone with her husband."

Ron paled once again and looked like he wanted to gag. Professor Flitwick was pretending not to hear and continuing on with his backstory of the library, and its origin's. Blaise and Theo were high fiving each other as Pansy, Daphne, and Luna were chuckling. Harry was trying to hide his laughter as well as he didn't want to start a row over whose side he was on. (In all honesty it was Hermione's in this instance, but he wanted to keep the peace so he kept his mouth shut).

"Alright," Draco said as everyone laughed. "Can we get on with the tour now? Hermione did actually want to see this place," he put his arm around her as she too was trying not to laugh.

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