Chapter Twenty Seven - I've Put Up With Your Shit

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Draco of course hadn't heard what was happening in the hall after he ran out carrying his wife with him. He didn't even look where he was going, knowing the way to the hospital wing (he had been there enough during his final few years in school). He kept his eyes on his wife as he ran down the corridor on the seventh floor, and through the double doors of the hospital wing, Madame Pomfrey right on his heels.

"Put your wife here," she said running ahead and pulling back the covers on the first bed as Draco leaned in and put her down. "I will work on her. I promise you I will find out what happened to her." She flicked her wand as several vials, boxes, and towels floated out of the cupboard and towards them as a small table was conjured, and the items laid out as Madame Pomfrey set to work mumbling to herself as she did. "OK, so she didn't eat something as she was eating with everyone else and no one else has suffered." She nodded as a notebook and large purple feather quill began to write notes on what was happening. "Her heartbeat is quite fast and she definitely has a fever."

Draco wasn't sure what she was saying as she continued to mumble to herself but the quill scribbled furiously next to her as she scanned her wand over Hermione's body, paying close attention to her torso and head, looking for injuries or any clue as to what might have happened. Madame Pomfrey looked up to Draco. "Is there any chance she might be...pregnant?" She but her lip as she found this particular question to be one that was usually met with shouts, horrified expressions and even the occasional fainter. Draco however shook his head. "No. She had her period last week."

"That was more information than I needed to know," Theo said as he held the door open and the others walked into the wing, standing back away from the bed as they too watched Madame Pomfrey work.
"Actually that is very helpful Mr Malfoy. And how was she today? Did she feel ill or -"
Draco shook his head again as Blaise, Luna, Ginny, Harry, Ron, Professor McGonagall and Kingsley Skhacklebolt entered the room. The Matron looked like she wanted to object to that many visitors in the wing, but she thought better of it. For now at least.
"She was nervous this morning," Pansy pointed out.
Daphne explained. "She has been out of touch with her friends for many years and although she was excited to see them this weekend, she was also nervous in case they were not happy to see her." She looked to Harry and Ginny and sent a glare at Ron.

"If I may," Professor McGonagall said stepping further into the room. "It has been brought to my attention that she may have consumed a potion this evening while in the hall." She handed the vial to Madame Pomfrey who took a whiff and immediately moved to the store cupboard and began pulling out bottles and other items.
"Disgraceful behaviour," Pomfrey muttered to herself but everyone could hear her.
"We can deal with that later," Kingsley warned.

Draco was looking between the professors wondering what the fuck they were talking about. Everyone looked confused. Everyone but Blaise and Luna. They looked pissed actually.
"Does someone want to fill us in on what's going on?" Leo asked taking the words right out of Theo's mouth.
"Yeah because I am lost," Theo added.
Kingsley, Pomfrey and McGonagall looked between each other and then behind them at Ron and Draco knew. He knew that Weasley had something to do with what was happening to his wife. "What did you do?"

Draco said it so quietly that at first no one was sure what exactly he had said. But he was staring at Weasley who was looking everywhere but at anyone in particular. Harry was nervously fidgeting with his suit jacket as Ginny began biting her nails. "What did you do?" Draco repeated, seething now. This time everyone heard, and they looked to Ron as well. He wouldn't look at anyone.
"Tell them you coward!" Luna snapped not being able to stand there any longer. Her fists were clenched as were her teeth. She was fed up of this whole situation. Ron had been nothing but mean to Hermione since she came back here. Giving her grief and destroying her happiness. Luna had turned a blind eye as she new Ron was hurting and Hermione honestly knew this would happen. She had everyone well warned what he would be like. But she never believed Ron would hurt Hermione. She thought he loved her so she knew above all else, she was safe with him.

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