Chapter Five - Memories Of The Way We Were

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"Hermione do you want red, white, Firewhiskey or -" Theo started, but she shook her head.

"I don't suppose you have any non-alcoholic drinks do you?" She smirked knowing the answer already.

"Eugh no why?" He asked shocked.

"Because it's just gone midday and I have already had a glass of red wine," she shook her head. She was used to this. If they were on holiday or a special occasion, the Slytherin's were never without a glass of something in their hands.

"Exactly," Pansy shrugged. "You have already had a glass. Another one won't make much of a difference," she smiled at her friend. "What about a gin and lemonade?"

"OK," Hermione agreed but held up a finger in warning. "A weak one Theo." Theo pouted but did as asked knowing Hermione was liable to pour it over him if he didn't listen to her. She had picked up quite the perfect amount of sass since befriending them all, and they were damn proud of it. She was too. "Thank you," she smiled at him as he passed her the drink and she leaned back into Draco's arms. Theo smiled like a school boy.

When everyone had their drinks Luna lifted hers. "A toast to a weekend of fun without babies and work and drama." Everyone clinked their glasses. Hermione wasn't so sure about the drama bit, but she was trying not to think about it. No point in stressing until she was actually in Hogwarts and finding herself face to face with her old life.

"I can't wait to see the castle," Daphne smiled. "Do you think they will let us see the old dorms? I would love to see my old room and see if my name is still carved on the headboard."

Pansy mocked her. "Daphne and Theo 4 eva!" She squeaked in a sickly sweet voice. "Oh you were so annoying back then. "Did you see Theo look at me? I wonder if Theo would like my hair like this? Pansy do you think Theo will ask me to the ball? I almost hexed you weekly back then. Thank Merlin you got together and started banging to give me some peace."

"You're one to talk," Daphne laughed as she blushed. "You had a different guy in your bed every week. Present company included." She pointed to Draco, Blaise, and Theo. "I wonder if your headboard still has the cracks in it from the amount of times it was knocked against the wall!"

Draco would rather forget about the time he spent with Pansy, but he did know that she got around quite a bit while at school. He still looked at Hermione to see if she was annoyed at the conversation. She wasn't. Actually she was laughing. She knew that Pansy had a history with Draco. She didn't ask too many questions as she didn't want to know details, and he would rather not relive it to give them to her.

"I wonder if my shoes are still hanging off the Astronomy Tower?" Luna asked sipping her wine. Trust Luna to always know exactly how to move the conversation along.

"Your what?" Leo asked confused. He had gone to Durmstrang School so he didn't know the group when they were teenagers. Actually the only one's he had heard of were Draco Malfoy as he was a Death Eater and Hermione Granger as she was a member of the Golden Trio and on the Most Wanted list.

"The other kids used to steal my clothes and possessions and hide them around the school," Luna shrugged. "Happened every year until Hermione taught me the tracking charm to find everything. My trainers I found hanging from the ceiling in the Astronomy Tower and there was a bird that had made its nest out of them, so I left them where they were."

Blaise chuckled and kissed his wife's head. "You are too good for your own sake. You know that?"

"So I've been told?" She smiled leaning into him.

"So they stole your things?" Leo asked shocked. "That is such a Slytherin thing to do." He looked to his friends to see who the guilty one was.

"Actually it was usually a group of Hufflepuff's that stole my things along with one or two Ravenclaw's."

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