Chapter Thirty Seven - Forgive Me?

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It didn't take long for Draco, Hermione, and Ginny to catch up to everyone in the entryway at the bottom of the Grand Staircase. Harry was half shocked but half relived to see Ginny with the couple. "Who is ready to go and see if the Giant Squid still likes apples?" Draco chuckled as he gestured to everyone to head out of the front doors. He stopped by Harry and gently nudged the boy. "She has apologised profusely to Hermione," he said looking back at the two girls who were still talking holding both hands together. "Look," Draco said as the boys walked down the steps. "I have no idea what is going on between you both, but you are one of us now Potter and if you ever want to talk, know that we are all here for you."

Harry looked into Draco's eyes seeing no maliciousness or hatred hidden amongst a pool of grey. "Thanks," he sighed. "It's the lies more than the actions that I can't get over. She lied to me again and again. Like she doesn't trust me."
Draco patted the boy's back as they made their way along the cobblestones and around the side of the school building to the lake. "Maybe she felt like she had to. Like she was caught between a rock and a hard place and she felt alone. I am not saying what she did was right," he quickly added as Harry turned to protest. "I am just saying you should hear her out and maybe think about forgiving her. I know what guilt can do to a person. Keeping a secret you are too afraid to tell anyone. Or finding out that someone you trust and care about is not who you think they are. It can eat at you and plant doubt and fear."

The others were ahead of them, settling themselves on the grass beside the large (non-mobile) oak tree that sat my the water's edge. Harry leaned up against the tree trunk thinking over what Draco had said. Was he too hard on Ginny? Maybe he should have at least heard what she had to say rather than storming out.
Ginny and Hermione took up the rear and Hermione flicked her hand conjuring a large blanket big enough for everyone to sit on as well as a few pillows for everyone to use. Draco was standing by the water and placed his fingers in his mouth making a wolf whistle noise before lifting three apples out of his pocket. Everyone watched curiously wondering what he was doing. All bar Luna who jumped to her feet and gave an excited squeak. She joined her cousin, just as the still water began to ripple and waves began to break against the lake edge. "What are they -" Leo started but stopped almost screaming as a long purple/grey tentacle shot out of the water. And then another. Then another. Then finally a large head of a very large squid. "What the fuck?" He gasped shuffling backwards.

"This is Ben," Draco said as the Squid lowered one of it's tentacles which Draco proceeded to tickle before cutting off a slice of apple and throwing it into the Squid's open mouth.
Hermione was still in shock having never before seen so much of the giant sea creature. She, Pansy and Harry gave nervous waves as Blaise tipped his imaginary hat smiling and shouting 'morning' as he did.
"Hello Ben!" Theo and Luna shouted. Hermione inched closer to Draco, fascinated by the way he interacted with the creature.

Ginny wasn't paying much attention. She had met the creature on more than one occasion with George and Fred so she wasn't as surprised to see him above the surface like this. She turned to her husband. As they walked around the grounds, Hermione had been trying to convince Ginny to talk to her husband. She felt very much like she was partly to blame for the fight, and she wanted to do whatever she could to help.
Ginny knew she was right, and she wanted to talk to him, she just didn't know what to say or how to start. "Harry" she said quickly but at the exact same time that Harry muttered "Ginny" making the two of them smile at each other.

"Do you want to talk?" Harry asked offering Ginny a hand and using his free hand to rub the back of his trousers, which were against the tree trunk. Ginny smiled up at her husband and nodded taking his hand as the two headed off for a little privacy, conjuring their own smaller blanket not even 50 yards away from the group and settling down.
The Squid obviously thought he wasn't getting enough attention, and proceeded to lift another tentacle bringing it down on the grass and right between the couple. Ginny began to absent-mindedly stroking him.

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