Chapter Fourteen - The Catch Up

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By the time dessert was over, people had risen from their tables and were mingling each other throughout the room. Ron was still staring at Draco and Hermione. Ginny too actually. Harry had chastised her during dinner for her behaviour and although Ginny knew she deserved it, she still felt sorry for herself.
Harry had left the pair of them to sulk as he headed over to speak with Draco and Hermione. Draco was currently showing him a photo of the pair on their wedding day and a photo of Sienna and Hermione that he kept in his wallet.

"She is gorgeous," Harry smiled at the picture. "She looks very like you Hermione."

"She does," Draco said proudly.

"But with Draco's hair colour," Hermione chuckled. "And she is just as much a charmer as her father."

"She is as smart as her mother already," Draco explained. "She already loves books and stories."

"Is she walking yet?" he asked. "James was a nightmare when he first started walking. Broke everything in reach. We had to block the stairs and keep the doors locked in the house in case he fell."

Draco nodded. "Yeah she started walking before her birthday. She definitely keeps us on our toes. And she is starting to talk too. Just saying mama and dada and nana so far, but she can get across what she wants or needs without speaking."

"I can't wait to meet her," Harry handed the pictures back to Draco. "So how did the pair of you...well not meet but get together?" He chuckled as he sipped his drink.

"Well, when I left the flat that night, Luna and I arrived back to London and stayed for a few nights in a local hotel. We went flat hunting, and we managed to find a beautiful wizarding flat just off from Oxford Street," she looked to Pansy who was smiling at her. "We found out after a few days that Pansy was our neighbour across the hall. So we chatted with her a few times. Then I started working in a publishing house -"

"You did?" Harry asked. "Sounds exciting for you. Right up your street."

Hermione nodded. "It was perfect! I loved it! And when I was promoted I started attending management meetings and I met Blaise. He was an investor in the company. Again we got talking and became friends. He would come to the flat for dinner sometimes. He invited me and Luna out for drinks one evening and when we got there, Theo and Draco were there too."

"I was so excited to see her," Draco smiled. "During our final year, I was fully aware that Hermione was dating Weasley, but she was intriguing. I had got to know her as we were Head Boy and Girl so we shared responsibilities. She was funny, smart, charming and yet adorably sweet and kind. When I heard she was spending time with Blaise I wanted to hang out with them and get to know her better. It was pretty obvious to everyone that I was falling for her."

"I'll say!" Theo shouted across the table making everyone laugh.

"So one evening, he came with Blaise for dinner, only Luna and Blaise sneaked off for ice cream afterwards and left Draco and I alone. That's when I realised I had feelings for him. Well that's when I finally admitted it. So, we sat on the balcony star gazing and had our first kiss." She looked to Draco who winked at her. "And I haven't left his side since."

"And I am beyond grateful for it," Draco kissed her head as she leaned into him.

"Wow," Harry smiled. "You two are making me blush." He looked to Daphne who was sitting closest to him. "Are they always like this?"

Daphne laughed, nodding. "Worse most of the time. This is the PG version. Usually they can't keep their hands off each other."

"Thanks Daph," Hermione groaned.

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