Chapter Twenty Five - Hermione and Draco's Game

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Hermione couldn't concentrate during the Headmistresses speech or the speech from Kingsley Shacklebolt, the current Minister for Magic. She was trying and to anyone else it looked like she was paying close attention. But if anyone were to quiz Hermione on what was said - well for the first time in her life she might actually fail a test. And it was all the fault of her darling husband. As they sat at the table, both sitting sideways in their seat and Hermione leaning her back into Draco's chest, she could feel his heart hammering against his chest which sent goosebumps down her arm. She could feel his cool breath on her neck, making her hair stand on end. He was leaning his elbow on the table and with his forefinger he was rubbing very lightly up and down Hermione's arm and shoulder. The sensation was driving her wild.

Tonight she was getting the playful Draco. They hadn't played this game in a while. The game where they would tease each other all night with the lightest of touches or whispering in the ear. Holding each other close and flirting outrageously and yet discreetly at the same time. Driving each other both to the edge to where they couldn't stand it any longer, and they would practically run to the bedroom. Draco actually once simply lifted Hermione, running off with her to the master suite. Hermione loved this game.

She gave a little contented sigh and slid her arm under the table and discreetly traced her hand the whole way up Draco's thigh causing Draco's breath to hitch in his throat as she stopped just before she met anything of interest and running her hand back down his thigh. Every so often as the talk continued she would lean back into him and kiss his cheek, or lift his hand to her lips, softly nibbling on his skin. She knew what she was doing. Draco knew what she was doing. Anyone that could see her hand knew what she was doing, and it excited her.

She cast a glance around the table at her friends. Harry, Ginny and Luna were actually listening to the speeches. Blaise was texting on his phone which he was hiding behind Luna's back (Theo bought them all magical phones a few years back - muggle technology with wizarding upgrades, so the battery never died, it always had service and credit and wasn't unbreakable). Theo and Daphne were whispering to each other and Pansy and Leo seemed to be playing the same game as the Malfoy's. Pansy looked to be nibbling on Leo's ear, and he was running a finger along her shoulders and chest. Pansy was practically purring at his touch. She was only brought back to the room (and her senses) when Draco's finger disappeared suddenly and the whole hall erupted into applause and the empty food dishes in the centre of the table magically filled themselves.

"Interesting speech love, wasn't it?" Draco asked making Hermione blush. She looked to him giving him a quick scowl as she bit her lip.
"Very," she nodded. "Especially what McGonagall said about peace and tranquillity." Draco was impressed she knew what was said, but in truth it was actually the only part of the speech she heard as Draco had taken a sip of Firewhiskey at that stage, and she therefore wasn't distracted by him. She quickly began filling both her and his plates and he passed her a napkin for her knee and refilled her cocktail glass.
Ginny tilted her head to watch them as they moved. "It's like you are in sync with each other. He moves to the left, so do you. You pour salt on his food as he splashes pepper on yours." She smiled at the couple. "It's adorable."
"They have always been in tune with each other like this," Daphne explained and Theo nodded vigorously.
"Sometimes they even finish each others -"
"Hot dogs!" Luna blurted out making everyone laugh.
"Well yeah, but I was going to say sentences," Theo chuckled.
"Oh, yes. That too," Luna nodded along.

While the table ate they talked about nothing in particular, simply enjoying one another's company. Harry and Ginny were enjoying getting to know the Slytherin group. During school, they held such horrible, prejudice opinions of them that they never got to really know them. Harry was pleasantly surprised to hear of the business Blaise and Draco had together manufacturing both muggle and wizarding alcoholic drinks. Quite a few of their brands were personal favourites of the green eyed man. He was also fascinated that Malfoy Industries had adapted quite a bit of muggle technology to their business including each office being fully electric, with computers, phones, televisions and they had begun manufacturing some muggle inventions with adaptions to suit the wizarding word, like pens and notebooks, mobile phones, laptops and computers, homeware gadgets too. Hermione and Draco had many businesses between them, with Hermione's pride and joy - her firstborn being her publishing house.

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