Chapter Thirty Three - Breakfast

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"Nice top," Pansy winked at Hermione as she sat down at the breakfast after a very...intense shower. Hermione smiled as she spun before sitting down.
"I only wear the best," she giggled.
"Damn right," Pansy smirked as she passed Hermione two cups of coffee as Hermione began to plate Draco some food.

Blaise raised an eyebrow as he watched her. "You know Draco hasn't lost the power of his arms Hermione. Are you going to feed him next?" Draco lifted a piece of white pudding and chucked it at him.
"There is nothing wrong with wanting to take care of my husband," Hermione shrugged.
"How come you don't take care of me?" Theo sulked to Daphne. She looked him up and down.
"We have house elves to take care of you," Daphne smirked. "Draco isn't as childish so he doesn't need the constant attention you require my dear. If I had to look after you I would be constantly exhausted."
Theo pouted and folded his arms in a huff as Hermione passed him a cup of tea. "At least someone looks out for me." He stuck his tongue at his wife and took a large gulp of tea.
"Theo it's -" Hermione warned too late as Theo almost dropped the cup in shock and pain and held his tongue out fanning it out with his free hand.
"My tongue is on fire!!" He screeched. "Hot! Hot! Burn!" He cried out. Daphne was already on her feet as she grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him back, tipping his head back and pouring milk on his tongue. Theo was sure there would be literal steam coming off his tongue as he felt the burn cool down. "Ahhh," he sighed happily. "Muth bether," he chuckled his tongue still hanging out.
"See, I do look out for you, you big baby," she said as she sat back down and began to eat again.

The group chuckled as another voice spoke up from behind Hermione. "Morning." Everyone turned or looked up to see Harry standing looking a little lost. "I was wondering if you had room for one more this morning?"
"Of course," Draco answered without even a pause as he conjured another chair at the table and a place setting. "Do you want some coffee?"
"Thanks," Harry nodded as he sat down and Hermione began to fill his plate, like she did with Draco.
"Where is Ginny?" Hermione asked looking around the hall.
" of -" He wasn't sure what to say exactly.
"Ah," Leo said half smiling. "Say no more."
Blaise chuckled. "We all that look."
"Fight with the Mrs?" Draco tried not to laugh as Hermione gave him a look that told him if he did he might lose a testicle.
"You don't look injured though," Theo said with a mouthful of bacon. "Consider yourself lucky. Last time Daphne and I had a row, I ended up with a tail."

If they were trying to make Harry feel better, it had worked a little but he still felt very conflicted over how he was feeling. And Hermione could tell. The whole way through breakfast he kept very quiet, even when the conversation turned to Quidditch. That's when Hermione knew it was more than just a silly martial row.
Halfway through eating, Hermione looked up to see Ginny enter the hall, looking around for Harry. She spotted him and then caught Hermione's eye who offered her a sorrowful smile. Ginny just looked down at her feet and went to sit at the table with Seamus and his wife and didn't look up again for the remainder of breakfast.

When everyone's bellies were full Professor McGonagall stood up at the podium and addressed the room. "Good morning everyone. I hope you all had a pleasant evening. I apologise I had to leave the party early last night, but one of our guests took ill, and I had to ensure they were felling better." She looked to Hermione as Draco put his arm around her and kissed her cheek. "Now this morning, I thought I would allow you to have some time to yourselves to explore and reminisce. Anyone who wished to participate in the Quidditch match if you could stay behind, we shall get you allocated into teams. The matches shall start at 12pm. We shall have a blitz session before the final at 4pm this afternoon. The winners shall have a special trophy, and we will celebrate with a feast." There was an eruption of applause around the room. "Everyone enjoy your day." She called as the tables cleared themselves and everyone rose out of their seats.

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