Chapter Thirty Six - You Again

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Hermione froze. She didn't want to believe she had heard the voice that she had very clearly just heard. She wasn't expecting to hear or see him so soon after what had happened the night before. She thought he would have headed home. That the Headmistress would have asked him to leave. But as she turned around and looked towards the portrait door, there he was. The one person she did not want to see.

Ron Weasley. He was standing next to Ginny, a large duffle bag in his hands. He was glaring at the group in front of him now in disbelief. What the fuck were they doing in Gryffindor tower? In Gryffindor common room? He looked at Harry, his eyes boring into his best friend. "Did you let these assholes into our dorm?"

Harry let out a laugh. "Into our dorm? I graduated years ago Ron. They are in the Gryffindor common room, yes. They wanted to see it. We have been to all the common rooms. This is the last. It's not a crime that they are here."
Ron was biting his lip in frustration. He was biting so hard that he could taste the blood in his mouth. "They don't belong here!"
"What are you doing here?" Neville asked standing up from the sofa next to the fire with Hannah. No one had even seen him before now. "I thought you had been sent home?"
Ron turned his attention to Neville, his eyes softening slightly at the sight of his former friend. He had no beef with Neville. "I had to go to the Ministry to sort out some paperwork and put ownership of my flat in my dad's name. But I am back now."
Ginny rolled her eyes. "He is back until tomorrow when my father is coming to pick him up." She looked to Hermione. "He asked McGonagall to come back to play Quidditch with the rest of the guests -"

Hermione gasped. Ron playing against Draco, Blaise, Theo, and Pansy didn't seem like a good idea. But Ginny shook her head. "But McGonagall said he couldn't play guys." She blushed as she looked at Draco and Hermione. "But she said he could stay to watch now that everything has been put in place."
Hermione tilted her head. "Put in place?"
Ginny nodded as Ron cursed under his breath. "The restriction the Ministry put in place." Ron took a few steps forward with determination. Draco, the boys and Harry were all moving to stand in front of Hermione, but there was no need. When Ron was still a good 20ft away, he suddenly stopped walking and was thrown backwards with such force that he was thrown against a wooden bench sitting against the wall, smashing it to pieces. He gave a large groan as Draco smiled happy with the restrictions put in place. As Ron got to his feet Pansy and Daphne were giggling to themselves. "I can't get close to any of you assholes!" he snapped. "Not unless I want to break a few ribs."

"Good," Theo said smugly. "At least we know that Hermione is safe."
"They took his wand too," Ginny said quietly. "Just for the weekend though." She looked at Hermione with a look of sadness in her eyes. "Just to ensure your safety and that you don't feel scared or threatened by him." She wasn't being hostile in any way. She looked tired and emotionally drained. Normally Hermione would feel compelled to pull Ginny in for a hug and ask her what is wrong, but she already had a pretty good idea. Especially as Ginny is looking towards Harry desperately trying to catch his eye and Harry is looking everywhere but across the room.

"Because of you," Ron snapped looking directly at Hermione. "Because I cared enough to think you needed help. That these assholes had trapped you somehow. I tried to help you and this is the thanks I get." He pulled up his sleeve to show a large bracelet. They all knew what it was right away. Draco and Theo had both had one of their own a few years back. Pansy's father had one as did Daphne's and Lucius Malfoy had one as well. It was a bit like a muggle invention - an ankle monitor only with this, when you break the rules set for you, you get one warming and then the next time you do it, the bracelet acts like a Port Key and takes the one wearing it straight to the front desk at Azkaban.

"You have changed Mione," Ron shook his head. "I don't know you any more. You run away from me, and you run right into the arms of our enemy. How could you? Of all the people to cheat on me with, you chose my worst enemy. Did you do it on purpose?"
Hermione closed her eyes and took a very deep breath before she lost her shit! Ron could tell she was pissed and he was beginning to fear she might finally hex off his balls like she threatened she would. He actually placed his hands over his privates just in case.
Hermione opened her eyes and give Ron the deadliest glare she could. But she refused to start fighting with him. "It's sad," she started shocking everyone with the calmness in her voice.

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