Chapter Twenty Nine - Fucking Lies

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"This is not how this was meant to go," Ron ran his hand through his hair. "I was supposed to win her back. She was supposed to remember all the good times we had together. Remember when it was just us three and -"

"It hasn't been us three in years," Harry said finding his voice. "I am married to Ginny and Hermione is married to Draco. It was great when it was just the three of us, but that was never going to last forever Ron. It's over. We have moved on. We have grown up. I wouldn't trade Ginny in my life for anything. She is the love of my life. I love you and Hermione like family and I want nothing but the best for you both. And I believe that the best for Hermione is to be with Draco. He loves her and she loves him. If I knew nothing else that would be enough for me to be happy for them. But I know what he did for her, being there when we couldn't. He healed her when we weren't there and I will be forever grateful to him for that." He looked to Draco. "I am so happy she found you and I know you will protect her with everything you have."

Draco nodded to him and held Hermione closer to him, wrapping his arms around her as she held tightly to him. Harry looked back at Ron. "What you did tonight was despicable. If you really loved Hermione you would not have been able to do that. What you feel isn't love. It's nostalgia for what once was. You saw her happy and suddenly you were jealous. You believed that if you got her back that it would mean that you won or something. You think that is what would make you better? The only way you are going to get better is if you stop fucking drinking and actually for once in your life take responsibility for what you have done. You have two beautiful children who adore you and you are never there for them. You had a great wife who loved you, and you were a complete prick to her."

"Harry," Ginny warned as tears filled her eyes. She knew he was right, but it was hard to hear. No one had snapped at Ron like this.

"No Ginny I am sick of it!" He snapped back at her. "He fucks up in everything that he does, and he expects everyone else to clean up his mess. He is breaking your mother's heart day in and day out. She spends most of her time crying or reading the paper from cover to cover expecting to find that he had been arrested or killed. He threw his life away because he thought he was special." He turned to face Ron. "You're not special! You are just a guy who had all this potential and threw it away because you thought the fame and glory would last forever. But eventually everyone stops caring. Stops wanting your autograph and stops wanting to sleep with you. So now you are desperate, clinging onto whatever small element of fame you have left."

Harry turned to Hermione now. "You deserve happiness, and you would not find that with Ron. He hasn't hit rock bottom yet and until he does he should not be with anyone. He would only drag them down with him."
"Harry!" Ginny snapped. "That is not fair!" She didn't want to fight with Harry but that was her brother he was giving off about.
"What's not fair Ginny is that I have watched your family bend over back ways to help their brother. I know for a fact that he owes money to every loan shark in the country as well as every member of his family -"

"I don't!" Ron protested. "That's fucking lies!"
"Is it?" Harry growled. "So you haven't borrowed money off your mother, your father, Bill, Charlie, Percy, and George this last year?" Ron paled. "Yeah I know. Each of them have told me and none of them know about the other. You have borrowed large sums telling them it was to pay off debts, but it was to fucking gamble away."
Ginny was shaking her head. "No, it's not true. He hasn't borrowed off me."
Harry thought he was going to explode. "Really? Well either you gave him money or someone fucking stole 2,500 Galleons from my vault!"

Ginny gave a squeak, tears now running down her face. "Harry -
"Don't bother. I don't want to hear it. You took money without even telling me Ginny. You fed into his addiction. Your whole family did."
"He needs help. I know he does but -"
Harry held his hand up. "I am not doing this right now. I am here for Hermione. Here to ensure that he doesn't fuck up her life like he has his own."

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