Chapter Eight - What's The Plan?

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Hermione had her and Draco's bags unpacked in less than 10 minutes and was now walking around the room. As she predicted, they were in the Slytherin dorm room with their friends. Actually, they were staying in Draco's old dorm room.

"So you had your own room throughout the whole of school?" Hermione asked, looking out at the view, which was quite unique. Half above the water, half below.

"From fourth year I did. My father paid for it himself," Draco shrugged. "I wanted one in first year, but there was no way it was happening."

Hermione smirked. "I don't even want to know the number of girls you had in this room," she rolled her eyes.

Draco laughed. "Not a one, actually. I wouldn't -"

"Draco, don't lie!"

"I didn't. I went to their rooms. No one got in here. This was my safe haven." He grabbed his wife's hips, pulling her close to him. "You are the first," he smiled. "And last. I wanted to show you where I spent my nights. While you were off planning on saving the world, I was here. Usually reading."

"You knew we would... Draco, did you request this room?" Hermione chuckled. It was such a Draco thing to do.

He shrugged and smirked. "I may have."

"Of course you did."

"Hey," he kissed her nose. "No one else was getting this room. Plus, I wasn't sharing a dorm with Theo and Blaise again."

"Actually, they charmed the rooms, so each couple gets a room to themselves. Prof....em Minerva wasn't going to make adults share a room," Hermione felt awkward calling the Headmistress by her first name. It seemed wrong and disrespectful.

"Huh," Draco thought. "That makes more sense." He gestured to the window. "Did you see the view. We are directly on level with the lake. I could see above to see the weather but could always spot when the giant squid was tight below the surface, waiting to pounce on someone." He pointed to the footend of the bed. "And this," he moved the duvet and pointed to the carvings etched into the wood. "Is my signature, so others knew who owned this room."

Sure enough, where he pointed, Hermione could see the name Draco carved into the wood. And underneath it was "Edward Hunter" followed by "Simon Eccles" plus one that Hermione couldn't make out. "We have to add your name," Draco smirked, lifting his wand and waving it over the wood. Slowly, Hermione watched as her name was etched in next to Draco's. Hermione Granger-Malfoy.

"Would you like to take a walk around before we have to meet in the foyer?" Hermione wanted to visit so many places, but first -

"I assume by walk you mean you want to head to the library?" Draco chuckled as he slipped his blazer over his top and jeans. Hermione blushed. "You know all you had to do was ask."

"Can we please go to the library?" She said, leaning into his chest. She ran a finger along the v from the buttons undone on his top. She put on her seductive voice. One she knew rightly that Draco couldn't resist. "Just for a look around. Then you can choose our next activity."

Draco leant down and kissed Hermione. "Keep talking like that, and I am going to make sure I get to complete my activity first." He winked as he squeezed her bum cheek.

"Sounds good to m-" Draco didn't let her finish. He scooped her into his arms and carried her bridal style to the bed as she giggled.

She could see the library another time.

They were so caught up in their 'activity' that when they were redressing, there was a knock on the bedroom door. Hermione squeaked in panic and flicked her hand, changing Draco into clothes and fixing his hair before doing the same to herself and remaking the bed. "Come in!" She called.

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