Chapter Eleven - The Flashback

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Saturday 21st August 1999

Hermione was pacing Ron's bedroom at The Burrow with a small box in her hand. She had decided to come to the house before the party to drop off her gift she bought him. But when she got here, Ron was nowhere to be seen. She thought maybe he was at Harry's getting ready there, but a quick Orb to her best friend, and she was told that Harry hadn't seen him all day.

She was checking her watch and pacing. Something she usually did when she was thinking. 'Where would he be?' she thought to herself. 'Where else would be go? The party starts in 30 minutes.' She knew it wasn't a big deal. She could give him the present at the party or even after it.

But something in her gut was telling her that she should worry. Something was telling her that there was with this situation. And Hermione always knew to follow her gut. It had never steered her wrong before.

Ginny walked into the bedroom, making Hermione jump. "Sorry!" She frowned. "I'm sorry Hermione."

Hermione smiled. "No, no" She chuckled. "I was miles away."

"Well dad and George say they haven't seen hm since this afternoon when he said he was going to pick up his suit and then head to get ready." Ginny shrugged. "So if he isn't here or at Harry's where would he -"

"Of course!" Hermione laughed as she slapped her hand to her forehead. "I am so stupid!"

"Okay?" Ginny laughed.

"He is probably at the flat!" She laughed. "I mean, I told him that we would be getting ready there, but I bet he didn't listen."

"Well that does sound like Ron," Ginny laughed. "Well problem solved." She clapped her hands. "I say we pop open the bubbly and start getting ready. We need to be there in about 15 minutes. Thank Merlin for magic!"

Hermione sighed as she set the box down and Ginny handed her a glass. "To the future Mrs Weasley," Ginny laughed raising her glass. "To the perfect happy couple!" Hermione clinked her class and took a sip.

"Eye contact Hermione!!" Ginny screeched. "You have to make eye contact for it's 7 years of bad sex!" Hermione rolled her eyes but leaned in dramatically with her eyes wide open making Ginny laugh. Hermione didn't want to tell her friend that Ron wasn't exactly known for his skills in the bedroom. Hermione supposed it was because he wasn't...well they hadn't done it much. She had been at school for months meaning they never really got to see each other and when they did, it was either for a few hours at Hogsmeade or during holidays with family everywhere. Ron was so nervous when they were intimate that he never really lasted longer than a few seconds. He thought he was Casanova, but really he was a 5-second wonder.

"Can you believe that you are engaged?" Ginny giggled as she waved her wand over Hermione's hair as it twisted itself into an up do. "Like in a few months you will be married."

Hermione sighed. "I know," she said in a dreamy voice. "I am so excited to start this next chapter of our lives. We will get married and have children and be blissfully happy." Hermione couldn't believe how perfectly everything was working out. Ginny and Harry, her and Ron, Luna and Neville. Everyone was paired off and things were looking up for everyone.

"So what are you wearing tonight?" Ginny asked wiggling her eyebrows.

Hermione sighed. "Oh wait to you see this!" She was practically dancing as she held up a garment bag, hanging it off the wardrobe and opening it. She lifted out her dress. It was simple. A deep red silky dress with thick straps and a square neckline. It was fitted, something Hermione would never wear, but she knew Ron would love it. "It matches the gift Ron says he got me."

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