Chapter Twenty - Who Is Mia?

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The Great Hall was deafening as all the guests enjoyed their dinner while gossiping happily about the ball taking place that evening. Ladies were discussing their dresses and hairstyles while the men were chatting about having a child free night and getting to let loose and unwind. Erica and Dean didn't waste time in telling everyone what Draco and Hermione had done for them.

Actually Hermione was shocked that they hadn't tried the potion before now. She knew some of the ingredients would be hard to get for the public but not for a Potion teacher so she knew that Professor Edgar (the current Potions teacher) would have stock. Because of the side effects the potion wasn't approved for Hospital or Healer use and therefore any medical staff would not offer it as an option. But there were Potioneers around the country who were willing to brew the difficult or dangerous potions others wouldn't dare try.

But Hermione and Draco were both practical Potion Masters and had never brewed a potion that failed them yet. Which is exactly why Pansy came to them almost a year and a half ago one night with a dilemma. She and Leo had been trying for a baby for over a year with no success, and she was worried that one or both of them had an issue. So she bought the ingredients herself and asked her friends to make it for her. Hermione was reluctant to try as she knew the side effects, but Draco was all for it. He would do anything to help out his friends.

He knew the joys of having a baby as he and Hermione had just had Sienna. He wanted Pansy and Leo to experience the same joy. And Hermione was easy enough to convince. She simply loved trying new spells. So they made the potion and within a matter of weeks, Pansy and Leo came back to visit with the news that they were having a baby.

"You two are real heroes," Harry smiled as he sat at the table next to theirs leaning back in his chair to look at Hermione and Draco. "I can't believe what you did for the Thomas', it is fantastic!"

"It was nothing," Draco shrugged as he popped a bit of potato into his mouth. "We were able to help so of course we were going to."

"And we got to help two very deserving couples out," Hermione looked up to Luna and winked. She didn't even know Luna and Blaise were trying. She knew they wanted kids but having Brianna was quite a challenge, and she didn't know they had talked about having another baby in the house. She was delighted for her friends if not a little jealous. She would love to have another baby. She and Draco had agreed to wait until after Sienna turned two so she was more stable on her feet and not in the baby stage any more. But Hermione missed being pregnant, and she really wanted Sienna to have a sibling around her age so she didn't want to wait too long.

Luna beamed at her as she and Blaise were whispering to each other practically giddy with excitement. Luna winked back to her best friend and mouthed a 'thank you' before turning to answer Blaise.

"You are amazing," Pansy chuckled. "We all know it and now everyone else does too." She then called attention to the girls. "I have all dresses in my room which is where we shall be getting ready. Leo will be shipped off to Draco's room for a few hours."

Leo didn't look much like he cared and so didn't argue. And Draco knew better so he kept his mouth shut too. He thought it was silly that the girls needed 4+ hours to get ready, but he wasn't going to argue. No matter how much he knew his wife wished he would. Hermione secretly loved the girly time and having grown up by herself for years and then during school hanging around with two boys, she didn't often get the chance to have pamper sessions and enjoy girly time, gossiping and giggling with her friends. So even though she would look at him with eyes that said 'help me' she didn't actually want to be helped. So he said nothing and smiled.

"I have Hermione's entre makeup collection with me," Luna said sticking her tongue out at Hermione when she went to protest. "You know you have the best makeup selection to any of us."

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