Chapter Forty Six - Next Generation

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"Just one last picture and I swear I am done!"

Hermione knew better than to believe her father-in-law but she didn't want to ruin the moment for him. He was bursting with pride as the sight in front of him and it was heartwarming to witness.

"I want a copy of that, Luc," Arthur Weasley chuckled as he clapped the blonde man on the back.
"Absolutely Artie old boy," Lucius smiled turning back to the red head. "And you can collect it next week when you pick me up for the match."
"Deal," Arthur smiled as he lifted the little girl out of Ginny's hands and began to tickle her causing her to squeal with delight.

Behind them the steam train blasted its horn causing several of the group to jump and Draco to flinch and look down at the small little bundle asleep in his arms. Hermione leaned in pulling the blanket back a little and peering into her youngest child, a little boy called Keegan. "Did it wake him?" Narcissa asked excitedly.
"No mother," Draco rolled his eyes. "This one could sleep through anything.
Narcissa pouted and gave a large huff. "Damn," she frowned. "I wanted a cuddle."

"What bout me Nanna?" Narcissa turned to look down into the beautiful chocolate eyes of her grand daughter Isla who held her hands up to her grandmother.
"A cuddle with my Isla?" Narcissa smiled bending to lift the little three year old into her arms. "Now that is something special."

"What about a photo with your grandfather's?" Lucius said grinning widely at his beautiful first born grandchild.
Sienna tossed her long blonde hair over her shoulder and tried not to smile. Any other 11 year old would be mortified at her family showing this much affection but Sienna secretly loved it. "All three of you?" She asked excitedly as Lucius scoffed.
"Of course! Come on boys," he laughed as he passed the camera to Blaise. William and Lucius stood at either side of Sienna and she looked around trying to catch the eye off -
"Granda Art, come on. I want a picture with all my grandfathers." Arthur beamed and almost ran to Lucius' side leaning in and smiling as Blaise took the picture.

Since Hermione came out of hiding, she had spent every other Sunday at the Weasleys house, The Burrow. Molly and Arthur treated Hermione like a daughter and always have done so, which meant that her and Draco's children thought of Molly and Arthur as grandparents. And the Weasleys were happy to welcome them all.

This was Sienna and Brianna's first year at Hogwarts, Hunters and James' second year, Annaloise's third and Noah's 6th. Izaiah and Nova (Blaise and Luna's daughter) were still a little young as were the rest of the kids.

Along with Brianna and Nova, Luna also gave birth to Atlas who was six and finally little Phoenix who was only a year old.

Pansy and Leo had twin girls after Izaiah - Addalie and Avery who were 3 years old. Pansy was currently pregnant with baby number four and praying that there was only a single baby into there.

Daphne and Theo, who swore blind for years that they were done after the three they already shocked everyone about a year ago a half ago announcing their little late arrival to the clan. Astra, names after Daphne's late sister Astoria who had passed away a few years prior to a blood curse. Astra was the apple of her father's eye and had everyone in the family wrapped around her little finger already and she couldn't even talk yet.

Harry and Ginny always said they wanted a large family. Ginny knew first hand how special it was to grow up in a big household and wanted the same for her own kids. After James came Albus who would be heading to Hogwarts next year. Then came Lily who was now seven years old and every bit as beautiful and gentle natured as her grandmother. Then came the twins, Mollie and Milo who had just turned two last week. And if you were to ask Ginny she would tell you she isn't done yet.

As for Hermione and Draco, they seemed to have the biggest brood of all (for now). It turns out, they left that reunion weekend with a little surprise of their own and before the New Year they welcomed little Hayden into their family. Hayden wasn't so little anymore and he and Albus were best friends spending all their time together and plotting for their time at Hogwarts. After Hayden came Mya Rose who was a carbon copy of her mother and was currently 7 years old. Next was Bowie who was a carbon copy of his father and Hermione was already worried about him going to school and he was only 5. Then there was Isla who was 3 years old and the newest little prince, Keegan who was born 10 days ago.

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