Chapter Eighteen - Comfy Couches

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Ron wanted to hex Malfoy right in the balls. The git was saying all the right things - to his girl! He refused to acknowledge that Hermione was married to the ferret. If he didn't acknowledge it, it didn't happen and if it didn't happen, then he still had a shot at making her fall for him again. He knew it wasn't going to be easy and the truth of the matter was that if Hermione had showed up this weekend married to anyone else, he wouldn't even be contemplating stealing her away. But it was Malfoy. He was a Death Eater, and he didn't deserve to be happy. So he felt no guilt in what he was planning on doing.

They had left the library with practically everyone swooning over the married couple as they walked with their arms around each other now, heading for the next stop on the tour. While they viewed the Gryffindor Tower Ron thought again he could remind Hermione of the good times that they shared. Help her to realise that they had history. Memories. Wonderful memories together.

"So this is the Gryffindor common room?" Theo asked as he stepped into the circular room. "It's very -"

"Red," Draco finished for him as Hermione dragged him around the room showing him specific items and spots that she loved.

"This was where we used to sit by the fire doing our homework or more often than not, plotting some hero mission," Hermione said pulling Draco down onto the sofa with her. Draco wiggled on the sofa. "Comfy isn't it?" She smirked. Draco rolled his eyes. When they first started decorating their home, Hermione took him around many, many, many furniture stores and made him try out about 100 beds and about 300 suites of furniture. She wanted everything to have that stylish look but to be comfy and cosy. She wouldn't settle for less. "Not like the leather sofa's you have in your living room."

"His living room?" Harry asked.

Hermione nodded. Ron was hoping she was going to say they hated spending their evenings together, or they had different styles. Something he could use. "Draco always wanted Italian leather sofa's in the living room, but they just weren't comfy enough for me. I didn't like leather. So we compromised. Just off from his office he has his own living room, complete with a pool table and bar."

"It's like one of those 'men's cave' things," Pansy explained to the group.

"And in our actual living room and family room, we have beautiful fabric suites which are comfy and so large you could lie back in one and fall asleep easily." Draco chuckled. "Like I could say no to her."

Ron rolled his eyes.

Draco continued. "And for the record, the leather sofas are very comfortable. Only the best for our home."

"I imagine you both live in a castle," Hannah Longbottom piped up and then blushed as everyone turned to look at her. "Sorry that was rude."

"I assure you we don't," Draco said politely.

"Not for his lack of trying," Hermione gestured to Draco who pinched her hip making her giggle. "You should see the first design the architect came up with. I knew it was a mistake to let him and Draco work alone on it. It was easily the size of this castle....maybe bigger."

Draco shrugged. "I wanted the best for my wife and future family. But Hermione wasn't having any of it. She wanted a home not a manor. And she was right, together we designed the perfect place to raise our kids." Hermione wasn't sure when the tour had turned into an interview but couldn't help but smile. She loved it when Draco spoke about their family and their future. It only made her more excited for what the future holds for the pair of them.

"How many kids do you have Hermione?" Dean asked her.

"We have one little girl, Sienna at the moment. She is 15 months old. But we both know we want at least two more. Draco and I were both only children, and we know how lonely a childhood it was. Neither of us want that for Sienna," Hermione answered. This was something she and Draco both felt strongly about. Sienna was definitely going to have siblings.

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