Chapter Fifteen - Breakfast

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The following morning, the group was headed up to the Great Hall for breakfast, all feeling well rested and buzzing for the day's activities ahead. As much as Hermione adored her daughter, it felt nice to have this time with just her and Draco. Some time when they weren't mummy and daddy but just Hermione and Draco.

"I wonder how they will pick teams for the Quidditch matches tomorrow," Blaise thought aloud as they headed up the dungeon's stairs.

"Probably just break up the list of who wants to play," Daphne said, shrugging. "I mean, that would be the easiest way to do it."

"We will find out soon enough," Theo clapped his hand together. "You all signed up, right?" He looked around the group at the boys.

"Of course," Draco scoffed.
"Sure did," Blaise smiled proudly.
"No," Leo laughed. "I am clumsy enough on my two legs. Add a broom to the mix, and I become a danger."
"I did," Pansy and Luna smiled proudly.

Everyone turned to the girls shocked. "You did?"

Pansy laughed. "Of course we did. Luna is an amazing flyer. Faster than Blaise even."

Draco expected Blaise to argue, but he shrugged. "She is right. Luna can outfly me easily. It's scary!" Luna giggled, looking as innocent as possible.

"And Pansy makes a bloody fantastic keeper," Luna then argued both girls, smiling to themselves.

"My baby has skills," Leo said proudly, hugging her his side as she blushed but leaned into him.

Pansy wouldn't have been one for public displays of affection before. But all that changed when she met Leo. He was romantic and sweet and unlike any guy she had ever dated. Married even.

It was no secret that when Pansy left school, she was married off to another wealthy member of the Sacred 28. A man twice her age that her parents deemed a suitable match for her. In other words, he offered the most money for her. Hermione remembered reading about the nuptials and even saw the picture of the bride and groom. He looked delighted, with his comb over and gap tooth grin. He wore a purple velvet suit and carried a gold cane. He looked ridiculous. Pansy looked less pleased, not smiling, and not even looking at the camera. Actually, she looked a little scared.

What Pansy's parents failed to realise was that their new son-in-law was a serial groom. Pansy was his 7th wife in less than 10 years. He was abusive and cruel to everyone. Pansy got her first black eye on their wedding night, and within a week, he had broken her arm and refused to let her mend it. He had taken her wand and cut her off financially, so she depended on him completely.

It was Daphne who realised after a few weeks that something was wrong. Pansy had cut ties with everyone, and there was no way to contact her without going through her husband first. She rounded up the guys and went on a rescue mission. Hermione didn't know all the details as Pansy didn't like to talk about it, but from what she gathered, they contacted Aurors and had to break into the man's Manor. A fight broke out, and Pansy's husband was hit with a spell. Draco thought it was a curse, but Blaise, it was a simple spell miscast. Either way, the groom was left in a vegetative state and was still in St. Mungo's.

Pansy filed for divorce the very next day. She may have only been with him a few weeks, but her legal aid got her hand of everything he owed. He said Pansy was entitled to it for every time he raised his hand to her. He helped her deal with her trauma and realised she was destined for more than just a PureBlood housewife. He helped heal her faith in herself. That legal aid was Leo, and they had been together ever since. Her parents didn't approve at first. Not that they didn't like Leo, but that she was a divorcee. But they grew to accept their daughters' choices.

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