Chapter Thirty One - Clinking Bags

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"Well, that was a surprising turn of events I must say," Leo sighed as he sat in the Slytherin Common room with the rest of his friends about fifteen minutes after the Weasley clan had dragged Ron, kicking and screaming from the castle. It was a memory that was forever imprinted in everyone's minds. And for some, it was a glorious memory they would cherish forever.

"I had no idea George Weasley was that terrifying," Daphne shrugged. "He always seemed so mellow when I met him at school or in the joke shop."
"He usually is mellow," Luna spoke up. "That is until someone attacks his family, and he sees Hermione as a sister. Then he can be pretty badass."

Hermione smiled. "George has always been like a brother to me. He treated me exactly like he did Ginny. He protected us and looked out for us no matter what. I could always count on him to be on my side."
"Everyone is on your side about this," Pansy assured her. "Weasel is completely in the wrong. I don't know what's gotten into him, if it's the alcohol or just desperation but he has really made a mess of things."

Daphne frowned. "I can't help but feel sorry for him a little bit." This statement was met with gasps and looks of utter horror. Her eyes widened. "Not about the whole trying to slip you a love potion bit obviously," she looked to Hermione who smiled at her. "I just mean the fact that things had got so bad for him. I know he only has himself to blame, but it must be a scary time - having loan sharks after you and thinking the only way you can cope is to drink. My brother turned to alcohol after the war to cope with losing his fiancé. He couldn't even face the day without downing a bottle of something or other. He didn't have anyone watching out for him. My parents didn't want to admit he had a problem and Astoria and I were back at school. By the time we were home for Christmas it was too late. He had caused too much damage to his body. He didn't even make it to Graduation." She sighed heavily.

Hermione had never met Daphne's brother Eduardo, but she had heard great stories about him from Daphne and Tori when she would visit, before she took ill herself. Eduardo had suffered a great loss and Hermione had no idea what it felt to lose your person, your other half. Drinking was his way of healing, and yet he wasn't healing. He was killing himself.

She didn't want the same for Ron. She knew their relationship was beyond fixing at this point, but that didn't mean she wished any harm to him. He didn't deserve that. He deserved to be happy. To be able to start over. She hoped his family would be able to get through to him and help him overcome his demons before it was too late.

"I do feel sorry for him too," she sighed. "He obviously has some demons to face to overcome this but no one can help him until he admits he has a problem. Ron is very stubborn and short tempered. He won't accept charity as he calls it. I'm sure his mother is extremely worried about him. The whole family will suffer because of this."

She looked down at her hands as Luna squinted her eyes thinking. "Mia you know none of this is your fault right?" Hermione shrugged. "Ron has had issues for a long, long time. He brought this on himself and I know now that he is heading home to his parents, they will be able to help him get better."

Hermione smiled and nodded. "You're right Luna. He is in the best place and will get the help he needs to turn things around for himself." Molly would be better than any therapist in Hermione's opinion. He would be in good hands.

The conversation quickly moved on to the following day and the activities lined up for everyone including Quidditch. Blaise had suggested that Hermione and Draco take it easy as they had already had quite a hectic day but neither would hear of it. Draco didn't want the Weasel to ruin the weekend for them (and he was dying to play Quidditch) and Hermione was actually feeling pretty good since she basically had a nap earlier this evening.

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