Chapter Twelve - My Woman

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Ginny and Harry both stood with their mouths open in disbelief. Harry knew that Ron had been lying all this time. He knew that he had done something to drive Hermione away. He thought this might have been what had happened. But he never expected to hear what he did. How Ron simply shrugged it off. Never apologise. He was fuming that his friend did such a thing to Hermione.

Ginny was in shock. Shocked at what she heard. How her brother could do such a thing she didn't know. But then she thought about what she had just said to Hermione. What she screamed at her. What she called her. She wanted to bury her head in shame. She wanted to grovel at Hermione's feet. But Hermione wasn't even looking at her. Ginny knew she messed up big time.

"You're not going to believe this crock of shit are you?" Ron said, looking between Harry and Ginny. "She is lying."

"Actually, she isn't," Hermione turned around to see Susan standing, watching the scene unfold. "Everything Hermione said was true. He lied to both of us."

Ginny looked up, shocked. "But Hugo is only 6 years old. Not 10 years old." Hermione looked confused. "Ron and Susan were married for a few years."

"Worst few years of my life," Susan groaned. "Although I have a handsome son and a beautiful daughter out of it, so I can't complain." She looked at Ginny. "But no, that night I thought I was pregnant and went to tell Ron, but it was a false positive result." Everyone nodded in understanding. Even people listening in the hall. "But that is how it happened. Ron and I had been seeing each other for a few months before that night."

"Oh, you stupid cow!" Ron snapped, walking towards her, but her new husband, Justin, stepped in front of her. "Shut the fuck up!"

"Don't speak to her like that!" Hermione shouted.

"So that is why you left?" Harry asked now feeling like the worst friend in the world. "You found out he cheated?" Hermione nodded. "Why didn't you say something?"

Hermione looked down before answering. "Harry, Ron was your best friend. No matter when Ron and I fought beforehand you always took his side. You always made a point of saying you weren't getting involved but at school, I was always the one who ended up sitting by myself or walking around the castle by myself. You never meant to, but you always took his side. And I knew you would take his side again. I mean you were dating his sister. Of course, you would. And I couldn't tell Ginny as he was her brother."

"You could have," Ginny growled, but she was looking at Ron.

Hermione shook her head. "I wouldn't want to come between family members." She shrugged. "I had already planned a trip to Australia to try my parents to see about restoring their memories so it seemed like the right time. Slip away while no one was around and start over. Build a new life for myself. Away from the gossip, away from the papers and away from Ron." She looked to Harry. "I am sorry if I hurt you by leaving, but I thought it was the best choice. I knew he would lie about that night, but it was easier to let you hate me and make a fresh start."

"I arrived at the flat, just as Ron had stepped into the shower," Luna explained. "She filled me in and we packed up all her things. Everything. We then went to the Burrow, knowing you would all be at the party, packed up my things and we left."

"So you have been in Australia all this time?" Harry asked. No wonder he couldn't find her.

Hermione however shook her head. "No, we went to find my parents, searched for about a month with no luck so we came back to London." She couldn't look him in the eye.

"Back to -" Harry couldn't understand this. "I searched everywhere for you. Even your parent's old house and dental practise. I had people out searching for clues as to where you were. But we found nothing. I searched for years."

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