Chapter Thirty Nine - The Final

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"Now, we will not tolerate any reckless or vulgar moves," Madame Hooch said firmly from where she stood in the middle of the field. "You are grown ups, I expect you to act like it. This is a friendly match for fun. It doesn't matter who wins and who loses so long as players and spectaters have fun. Now on my whistle the game will start." She looked directly at Ron who was scowling, glaring at Draco. She knew he wasn't listening and she knew there was going to be trouble.

She rolled her eyes and blew the whistle. It wasn't often she wished that the game couldn't go ahead but this was an exception. A brother vs a sister. Ex bully vs Current bully. She sighed as the players and balls took off into the air and quickly ducked out of the firing line, making her way up the stairs to where the rest of the staff where seated. As she fund her seat in front of Professor McGonagall she sighed. "Are we wise letting them play against each other?"
Minerva though had a sort of smug look on her face. "I think this game will be a good one actually. I mean we may have to keep our eyes on Mr Weasley but something tells me that he won't be able to do any damage on the field."

Draco was covering the hoops right in front of the staff stand. Not that they needed much covering. Ginny was on fire and Pansy and Luna were playing like professionals. As good as Dean was he wasn't able to keep his eye on the ball and all three girls. Pansy dipped her body down in time to escape Seamus' bludger as it zoomed right over her head, rounding on itself and coming back to Seamus who panicked and zoomed to the side, flying right into April. It took several seconds for them to untangle themselves. But that was all Ginny needed. Pansy passed her the Quaffle, and she zoomed towards Dean who looked nervous at her speed. He didn't even notice Ginny throw the ball to his left until he heard the crowd roar and the commentator explain that Ginny had scored 10 points.

After five minutes it was 50 - 0 to Second Chase and Ron was absolutely furious. He was losing and he didn't like the feeling. He had to win. Losing was NOT an option. Not in this game. He had a point to make. His last ditch attempt. He patted his boot, feeling his wand which was tucked carefully inside. Technically players aren't allowed to bring their wands onto the grounds, but Ron slipped his into his boot before leaving the changing room. He was adamant that he wasn't going to lose. No matter what it took.

He was beginning to lose his temper and he didn't want to completely lose his temper as that makes him lose his focus. He needed to focus. They were losing. Ginny was too fast and Pansy and Luna stayed by her side the entire time. He would be impressed if it wasn't stopping him from winning.

As he thought, he was only barely paying attention to the game, which had started up again after a few minutes break. He had to flip his broom to tumble 360 to avoid a bludger which Theo had skilfully aimed at him. He sat smirking as Ron ducked before having to fly forward quickly out of the way of the bludger Blaise aimed right at his head.

He turned to see Draco smirking down at the stands and saw Hermione blowing him a kiss. He growled. He didn't want to feel this way. Actually if he was being honest with himself he wasn't even sure why he was angry. He was conflicted. He wanted Hermione to be happy. He just didn't want her to be happy with...him.

He turned away and flew to the middle of the field. He knew he couldn't get close to Draco. He had been warned that the barrier keeping him from them was a strong one, and it was enough to knock him off his broom and onto his ass if he got too close. The Minsitry warned that if he tried to interact or intervene with them again he would be arrested and could face charges. He didn't want that. He wanted to move on. He just had no idea how to do that. And he had no idea how to NOT hate Malfoy.

Ron had to duck again as another bludger flew past his elbow so close that his robe blew from the breeze it caused. He turned and took a deep breath, the cold air invading his nostrils and making the hairs stand on end. As he was busy not paying attention, Donal scored twice, evening out the playing field at least a little bit.

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