Chapter Six - Back To School

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As the castle came into view on the horizon, Hermione's nerves were very much settled (thanks to the gin) and she was excited to see the school again. She wanted to show Draco all the special places she would visit during her years. Where she would study in the library, where she would climb onto the roof and stargaze, her dorm, she even promised to show him ho she managed to tame the Whomping Willow during her final year.

"It's so beautiful isn't it?" She sighed as she gazed out the window.

"I did offer to build you a home just like it, but you wanted somewhere you wouldn't get lost," Draco rolled his eyes. He envisioned a large Manor for his family. One with wings and libraries and ballrooms but Hermione wasn't having it.

"Who wants to live in a home where you need a map to find your way to the bathroom?" She pointed out. "Our home is plenty big."

"And stunningly beautiful," Blaise added.

"If Sienna grew up in a castle she wouldn't be able to appreciate Hogwarts for the spectacular landmark it is," she smiled at her husband.

"Yeah, yeah," Draco sulked. He simply wanted his daughter, his family to have the best. Hermione was always the one on hand to reel him in and bring him back to reality.

"Oh, we are landing," Luna clapped as the carriage swooped down suddenly and quite dramatically. This was the part Hermione didn't like, and she held her breath and squeezed Draco closer to her as she felt her whole body tingle. Draco chuckled as he held her close.

The carriage continued to fly directly downwards, like it was plummeting to the ground and Hermione suddenly felt a little nauseous. Then, quite abruptly the carriage levelled off and there was a quick little bump as they touched down in the front grounds of the castle. Hermione could see Professor McGonagall standing at the top of the steps welcoming another carriage that had left before them. The door swung open on its own and Draco, stepped out in front of everyone offering his hand to each of the girls in turn to help them down.

Hermione was out first and looked to towards the castle which towered above her. No matter how many times she saw this magnificent place, it always took her breath away. Hermione, Draco, and Blaise were all on the school board so it wasn't unheard of to have the occasional meeting in the school but usually the group floo'd straight to the Head's office.

"Well would ya look at 'at," a familiar voice said gruffly ahead of her. Hermione didn't even hesitate and took off at a run over to the left of the steps and into the open arms of Rubeus Hagrid. "You look botiful Hermione. It's good ta see yer."

"Hagrid," Hermione smiled standing back to take him all in but not letting go of his hands. "It is so good to see you. How have you been?"

"I'm good. I'm good," he smiled. "Busy, wit the teachin and groundskeeper work ter be at. But I loves it." He looked her up and down and then bent down to hug her again. "I am glad yer are keeping well Hermione. Harry was worried a'bot ya."

Hermione sighed. "I know. I feel awful for taking off the way I did but I... I -"

"Hey," Hagrid said lifting her chin up. "We are not blind ya know. We knows you had it hard. I don't blame ya one bit for getting out." He hugged her again. "I am just glad yer are safe. You look happy."

"I am," she smiled. "More than happy. I am married now and -"

"Yer wha?" Hagrid gasped. "Married? And ter who would yer be married?" He let go of her to put his hands on his hips beaming at her.

"That you be me, sir," Draco said coming to stand next to her and Hermione threw her arms around him. "I asked this beautiful angel to be my wife and for some crazy reason, she said yes."

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