Chapter Thirty - Molly Weasley

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The room was deathly silent as no one spoke all looking towards the source of the shouting. Evidentially it was Mrs Weasley who was now standing next to McGonagall looking very much like she could spit venom.

"Mum!" Ron shouted. "Thank Merlin you're here. Will you tell these idiots to let me go. They think I have -"
Mrs Weasley held her hand up, with her wand raised and pointed it at her son, gagging him. "I will deal with you in a minute!" She snapped. She turned to Hermione. "Oh my girls. Thank heavens you are safe." She smiled as she pulled Hermione and Luna into her arms hugging them both. There was something special about a Mrs Weasley hug. You could feel the warmth and love radiating off her and into you where you stood. This woman was an angel. "You both look beautiful. I am so glad that you are doing alright."

Hermione could feel tears well up in her eyes. "Mrs Weasley... It's... I've..." She wasn't sure where to start.
"Me too," Mrs Weasley giggled. "Did you find your parents?" Hermione nodded. "That is fantastic news! I am so happy for you my dear." She turned to Luna. "And did you find what you were looking for?"
"I did," Luna nodded. "He is over there," she pointed to Blaise who looked horrified but gave a shy wave nonetheless.
"Well that's all I need to know," Mrs Weasley hugged the girls again before letting them go and standing now with her hands on her hips, looking down at her son.

Ron felt about an inch tall as his mother stood over him, and he cowered down away from her. She was scary when she looked like this, and he knew nothing good was going to come out of her mouth.

"Ronald Weasley!" She bellowed. "I have no idea what has got into you lately, but this is not the man that your father and I raised. Drinking again, gambling again and owing money to just about everyone in the country. I had a lovely visit from Aaron Whitmore." No one but Ron even flinched at the name, but Ron was terrified. She flicked her hand and the gag from his mouth disappeared.
He smacked his lips together a few times spreading his saliva to the dry parts of his mouth. "He...he...he came to the house?" Ron gasped.
"Oh yes he did. Lovely man with two little children getting ready to come to Hogwarts next year," she said smiling. "He was able to tell me all about your little nighttime rituals Ron of heading to the muggle dog tracks or betting offices as well as the wizarding ones. You have gambled away more than you could even pay back." She turned to Arthur. "He even tried to remortgage the Burow at Gringotts last week, after he was refused a 250,000 Galleon loan!"

"HE WHAT?" Arthur shouted.
Mrs Weasley nodded. "And he owes even more than that. We would need to remortgage the house four times over to pay back what Ron owes." She pointed her finger at him. "We offered you help time and time again. We could see you were struggling, but you wouldn't hear of it. You got angry at lashed out at us for interfering. Well we should have been keeping closer tabs on him."
Ron hung his head. "I'm sorry mum."
"Oh you will be!" She snapped. "Lucky for you, your flat was paid outright, and you have no mortgage on it."
Ron nodded. "I will take out a mortgage to pay you all back."
"The hell you will!" Arthur shouted. "You will sell the flat and move home where we can keep an eye on you."
"But -"
"Don't make he hex you. I will do so gladly!" Molly snapped.

"So what happens now?" Leo asked interrupting the family feud. "I mean is Hermione alright to go or does she need any other medical attention?"
Madame Pomfrey shook her head. "Her bond protected her. She should be perfectly fine now."
"I feel great," she shrugged.
"But if you feel nauseous or light-headed you must come back to me right away. Understood?"
Draco took Hermione's hand as she wrapped her arm around his waist. "Don't worry if she so much as sneezes I will bring her right back." He assured the matron who smiled.

Kingsley was looking at the couple almost afraid of what they might say. But Draco smiled. "We are happy to not press any charges against Weasley. He seems to be in enough trouble with his family. We would however like to ensure that something like this does not happen again."
Hermione nodded looking to Mr & Mrs Weasley. "I am sorry that it has come to this. I was hoping to come here this weekend and reconnect with you all. I didn't realise that my presence would have such a negative impact on Ron." She turned to Ginny and Harry. "Maybe it was too soon."
"No!" Harry said rushing to her side. "I lost my sister once, and I am not going to lose her again." He took Hermione's hands. "This is not how I expected this evening to go, but I was so happy to see you again. To get to spend time with you and reconnect. You are my family and I will not lose you again."

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