Chapter Three - Living Under The Spotlight

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"Ok ladies," Draco smiled, downing the rest of his glass and levitating it along with everyone else's to the bar, where they washed, dried, and out themselves away. "It's time to get going."

Blaise checked his watch. "The carriages take off at 10 am, and it's now 9.45pm. Is everyone packed and ready?"

There was a round of yes' as everyone stood up, getting ready to head out. There had been the option to take the Hogwarts Express to the school, or you could hire a flying carriage for the travels instead. Of course, Draco chose the flying carriage so they could arrive in style and leave at a later time than those taking the train as it took half the time to travel.

Daohne was triple checking her bag as Pansy touched up her makeup. Hermione gave her hair a bit of styling with her wand after downing Sleekeazy's hair potion. She decided on a simple up do with some curls framing her face, just as she liked it. Gone were the days when her hair used to sit out like an overgrown bush on top of her head. These days, it sat in loose waves.

She was wearing a rust coloured silk skirt with a black fancy flowy top. Of course, it was a Pansy design, and Hermione knew that this wasn't even released yet to the public. One of the many benefits of being Pansy's main investor was getting her hands on items long before they were released in shops. And if it wasn't for Pansy and Narcissa, Hermione would still be wearing the same jeans and sweaters she had from her school days.

"You look stunning, my darling," Draco whispered in her ear as he stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her and hugging her tightly against his chest. "I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I will be eternally grateful I did it." She turned her head sideways and leaned back to kiss him.

"I love you," she smiled.

"As I love you," Draco murmered, kissing her again.

"We will go first," Blaise said, taking his bag and Luna's as well as putting his free arm around his wife's waist. "Is the carriage ordered under Malfoy?"

Draco nodded. "It's an 8 seater one by the way."

Blaise stepped into the fireplace and gave Draco a thumbs up as Luna held on tightly to him, lifting a handful of the usually greyish/green powder calling out "Platform 9&3/4" and disappearing in a green, sparkly cloud.

After the Zabini's went the Notts and then the Preston's before finally Draco and Hermione stepped in. "You ready?" He asked his wife, noting how she bit the side of her cheek in worry. "Don't worry, he will be on the train already, so he won't be able to speak to you. I doubt he will even see you there." He lasted up the powder, throwing it at his feet as Hermione wrapped her arms around him and squeezed her eyes shut.

She felt the usual unpleasant sensation and opened them when she felt her stomach give a little jolt and knew she had arrived at her destination.

Thankfully, the platform was busy enough. It may have been only their year that was invited to this reunion, but the platform was still pretty full as she and Draco stepped out of the fireplace and started to make the way over to the carriage line.

Hermione kept her head down as she walked, not daring to look up for fear she would catch a pair of green eyes or a pair of blue. Draco could feel her clinging on for dear life to his shirt as they moved. He set their bags next to Pansy's 500 and stood looking out around the platform.

Hermione may have been nervous to be there, but Draco felt nothing but pride. He had been looking forward to coming back here since he received his invitation. He wanted to show off his wife. He is the smartest and most beautiful girl in the year. He was keen to show that Weasel just what he threw away, and he wanted to see his face contort in anger and shock at seeing Hermione caressing his school enemy.

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