Chapter Nine - Is It Me You're Looking For Part I

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Hermione took a deep breath as she stood in the entryway looking towards the large double doors leading to the Great Hall. She was squeezing poor Luna's hand so tight she was sure she was cutting off circulation. But Luna just smiled at her.

She and Luna were going to head in first. There were about twenty minutes to the feast, so there would be plenty of time for a quick catchup, without having to get into any serious conversations before dinner. She and Luna would simply walk in with their heads held high. They would chat, while the others went in and straight to their designated table while keeping an eye on the group in case they needed to intervene.

"You got this," Draco smiled as he gave his wife a quick hug. "You look fucking gorgeous, and you will have him regretting the day he chose to break your heart." Draco wasn't going to lie. He was actually nervous about this. What if she went in there and realised she still loved Ron? What if he made her question the last ten years and all they had achieved together? He knew it was stupid, but he couldn't help but worry.

Hermione reached up and cupped his cheek. "I love you silly rabbit," she assured him. Silly rabbit was a term that she said one morning a few years back. They were shopping in muggle London in the snow when Draco tripped over the kerb (after Hermione pointed it out to him) and landed in a pile of snow. What she meant to say was 'silly dick' but there was a family with three young kids in front of her so she ended up saying 'silly rabbit' and it stuck.

"Promise?" He asked a little nervous.

Hermione could sense it. "Hey," she smiled. "No matter what they say, it will never change how I feel for you. I love you Draco. I love my life. You and Sienna are more important to me than anything else in the world. And if they can't accept my life, then they don't get to be a part of it."

"So you will come back to me?" He sighed smiling.

She quickly kissed him. "I will always come back to you. To you, I belong." She smiled again as Pansy scoffed.

"Alright lover boy, over here and let her make her grand entrance," she shoved Draco out of the way and moved a strand of Hermione's hair back before topping up her lipstick. "You are gorgeous. Now remember i anyone asks, you tell them you only wear my designs. Other than that? Go knock 'em dead."

Hermione winked at the girl as she skipped off and the doors opened. She took a deep breath, still holding Luna's hand. "You ready Luna?" She looked to her right.

"I have no idea, but let's do this!" Luna grinned, and the girls began walking.

It was surreal, walking into the Great Hall again. Something that they used to do three sometimes four times a day, suddenly felt like it was a huge accomplishment, like climbing a mountain. All eyes turned to the duo, with a few gasping at the sight of the two women who had disappeared from the world years prior.

Many people thought they left the wizarding world, some assumed they had moved to America or Australia or somewhere after school. Some even thought they had died. But they were both here now, very much alive and both looking like royalty.

Harry actually gave a gasp as he saw Hermione standing, her eyes scanning the room looking nervous before eventually falling on his. They simply gazed at each other for a few seconds before Hermione gave a nervous smile and small wave and Harry's whole face lit up. It would have been a romantic moment if neither of them felt like they had just clapped eyes on their long-lost sibling.

Suddenly Harry's feet were moving before his brain had time to register what he was doing. He made a bee-line for the girl who was still smiling but had yet to actually move. Harry felt like he had to reach her before she disappeared from his world again. He knew he had missed her, but it didn't dawn on him, just how much he had until this very moment. She was the only family he had left. Their time on the run and bonded them in a way that could never be broken. As if they gave a piece of each other to each other, forever. Hermione was the only one in his life whose loyalty had never wavered. She never lost faith in him, never didn't believe in what he was saying or doing. She was the one constant he could always rely on.

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