Chapter Thirty Four - Amanda

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"What happened to her?" Hermione asked as they slowed down their fast-paced walking. Hermione did not remember ever hearing about Amanda again so she was pretty sure the end of the story was not a good one.

"Well," Daphne sighed as Leo opened the door to the library. "Let me show you where Pansy would sit." She directed the pair over to the far end of the library, right next to the caged section which was known as the Restricted Section. She pulled out a chair in a rather large table which was sitting out on its own by the caged area, but hidden from immediate view. The three sat down and Hermione noted that from here she had a clear view of everyone coming and going from the library (and there were surprisingly more than she expected) but that no one really noticed them. You would just assume that the cage was next to the empty wall and there was nothing here, least not a large desk.

"So Pansy would sit here, sometimes we would sit with her if she let us sit with her but most of the time she was on her own." Daphne pushed aside the large lantern in the middle of the desk. "We all signed our names at one point. Look." Sure enough there was a list of names carved into the wood on the desk.

Pansy Parkinson
Amanda Shrover
Daphne Greengrass
Draco Malfoy
Blaise Zabini
Theo Nott
Mille Bullstrode
Vinnie Crebbe
Gregory Goyle

"Crabbe spelt his name wrong," Hermione said pressing her lips together not wanting to make fun of the dead.
"He wasn't the sharpest quill in the pot," Daphne chuckled. "He was a scumbag anyway," she snapped and pulled her wand out of her sleeve. "Doesn't deserve to be on the list. Not him, Goyle or Millicent!" She flicked her wand and the last three names seemed to be absorbed into the wood, disappearing completely.

"So what happened to Amanda?" Leo asked now curious.
"When you guys went on the run, the rest of us, well all bar Draco, came back for what we thought was our final year. Amanda had changed. She was more confident, more full of herself and more hateful than I ever remember her." Daphne shivered at the memory. "She loved the Carrows. Said they were the best teachers she ever had. She was top of their class. She became a prefect and dished out punishments to younger students all the time. Nothing too evil but she was quite mean, even by Draco's standards. She thought she was amazing.
That was until Blaise wouldn't give her the time of day any more. He always thought her flirting and drooling was funny before, but now he didn't want to know her."
Hermione was nodding along. "Remember at this time, Blaise had serious doubts about...him and his ways and was beginning to see that we were on the wrong side. Pansy and I did too. We sort of took it upon ourselves to form a truce with Neville, Seamus, Luna, and Ginny, and we helped keep the younger ones safe."
"Luna told me about that," Hermione added, proud of her friends for taking such a bold move and joining the right side.

Leo had heard all this before but never about Amanda. He didn't know why his wife would leave out such an important person in her life.
"Anyway, Pansy tried to get through to Amanda. She was a little...put out when Blaise rebuffed her. She was hurt. Pansy tried for months to get her to see what she was doing was wrong. And she was starting to get through to her. Amanda was starting to see that being a Death Eater wasn't the charmed life she was led to believe. She stood up to the Carrows one day and Alecto used the Cruciatus Curse on her."

"He didn't?" Leo gasped. He had never heard of the curse being used on someone as young as 17 before. Not unless it was a horror story. "But she was only 17!"
"So was Hermione," Daphne pointed out and placed her hand on Hermione's.
Leo gasped again, bringing his hand up to his mouth and his eyes wide in horror. "Mia... you... who did that to you?"
"Bellatrix," she shrugged and turned to Daphne. "So did Amanda see the error of her ways?"
Daphne sighed again. "Not exactly. I think she wanted to, but she was too afraid, too under their control. Or maybe she was just too evil. She...em...she used the Imperious Curse on Blaise to get her to reveal where the missing students were and who was hiding them. Pansy caught on to what she was doing and confronted her. She... Amanda, she... tried to use Avada on her."

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