Chapter 2 Unexpected results

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  Mother Han asked someone to inquire about the Xu family's situation, and the result came within a few days. In the evening, the old couple talked until night, still discussing.

  "Today, the second aunt went back, and her inquiries turned out to be fruitful. The second aunt inquired very carefully, and the situation in the Xu family is a bit complicated." Thinking about what she heard in the afternoon, Mother Han had no idea what to do.

  "The old father of the Xu family is called Xu Laosan in the village. He has three older brothers. Xu Minghai's grandparents already gone in the early years. Xu Laosan has a good reputation in the village, and Xu's mother is also kind to the younger generations below. Xu Minghai's generation, There are only four brothers in the family, and he is the fourth in the Ming generation. There is also a little sister below who we know is called Xu Xiaoxi." Compared to the Han family, the Xu family really had lot of people.

  "With so many brothers, are they all married? How is their character?" Father Xu is more concerned about characters. He is not afraid of many people, which shows that the population is prosperous. He afraid that if there are too many people with all kinds of characters, it will be more disturbing.

  "The eldest brother, Xu Mingjiang married Xu Xia. They got married relatively young. They have two sons and a daughter. The eldest son is only nine years old and the youngest daughter is only four years old. It is said that the eldest brother Xu Mingjiang is very capable. In recent years, he have been helping his younger brothers. Although the eldest sister-in-law Xu Xia is a little bit aggressive, but she is not difficult to get along with."

  The eldest family has many children, and the situation in the second family is more complicated. "The second aunt said that Xu Minghai second brother, Xu Minghe married a female educated youth named Mu Chunxue who came to their village. When the female educated youth first came here, she looked fair and clean, and looked quiet and elegant, but her family background was not good. People in the village said that this girl was very ambitious, and she did not cry or make trouble when she was assigned to do dirty work. Her health is not as good as that of girls from the countryside, and she get sick easily."

  "Children in the city are not as strong as those from the countryside." There are also educated youths in Dalishu Village who have gone to the countryside, and Father Han has also seen them work.

  "It is said that Xu Minghe's family did not agree with Xu Minghe's marriage at first. In addition to her poor composition and thin body, when the family did not agreed, he often help the girl secretly for the educated youth worked, it took almost three years for the family to agree."

  "They have been married for a year and a half and have no children. I heard that Xu Minghai and his second sister-in-law usually stay at home except for working, and don't go out much. The third sister-in-law, Wei Fangfang, often visits the house and likes to have fun. The third brother, Xu Minghu, has been married for more than three years. People in the village say that he usually listens to the women in the family. They have a two-year-old son named Xu Zebao." 

  Hearing this, Father Han felt very unhappy. With such a big family living together, even if there is no trouble, it is not easy for the sisters-in-law to get along with each other. My daughter is too honest, and her honest temperament is a bit weak. She is always obedient at home, but in a house with many people, it is difficult to get along with others.

  "Let's forget about it. Such a big family is not suitable for Yingzi. Let's look for Yingzi's marriage later." Father Han disagreed.

  "No, as soon as their son gets married, he will be separated into a single family. The rule in Xujiazhai's village is that when the son reaches age, he will get a homestead from the village to build a house, and when he gets married, he will be separated." Han's mother said, she still have a good impression of Xujiazhai.

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