Chapter 28 Excitement (unedited)

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  "Xu Mingbin bought a bicycle!"

  This sentence has been said several times by everyone in Xujiazhai in the past two days. For the second person in the village who owns a bicycle besides the captain, the villagers always talk about it after dinner. non-stop.

  "That kid Mingbin, okay, he can earn so much for being so silent." This was a compliment.

  "It's not just about the wild animals in our mountains. If there weren't these mountains, let's see what he can earn." But it's sour and uneven.

  "Mingbin is still very capable. It's not like we don't go to the mountains for sightseeing in our village, but he is the only one who can earn a bicycle!" This is admiration and envy.

  "No, doesn't Minghai often go to the mountains, looking for some herbal medicine? Look, there is no Binzi who earns more." This is to support Xu Mingbin and disdain Xu Minghai.

  "Oh, that's not true. How can that kid Minghai be as successful as Binzi? He has been a gangster since he was a child." This was something he had a problem with Xu Minghai.

  When Xu Minghai first heard that Xu Mingbin had bought a bicycle, he was envious and happy for Binzi. However, after hearing too many sour words from the villagers, he also had other unspeakable emotions in his heart.

  I am unhappy with those people who privately say that they are not as good as Xu Mingbin. On the other hand, I and Xu Mingbin grew up wearing crotchless pants together. They went to school for the same amount of money. When we went out to play, we played together. When we got married, we both started to make money to support the family. Xu Mingbin He hunts wild animals for herbs. Suddenly hearing the village talking about comparing him and Xu Mingbin, Xu Minghai felt that there was a gap in his heart.

  "It seems that Binzi is making money." Xu Minghai said quietly while lying on the hillside with one arm under his head and a dog's tail grass in his mouth, looking at the forest not far away.

  Before we all grew up together, no one was better than the other, but Binzi must have made a lot of money this time to buy a bicycle. Previously, he was complacent because he could make a hundred bucks in a few months. But as a result, Reality hit me hard.

  My one hundred and thirty yuan was a lot of money in the eyes of others, but it was far from enough to buy a bicycle. Yingzi often ran to the city before, and Yingzi felt distressed. She mentioned buying a bicycle, but she gave up the idea after asking about the price. A bicycle costs about one hundred and sixty yuan, not counting the industrial stamps.

  Even if I get the industrial tickets from a poor mountain ravine, I won't go bankrupt just for a bicycle. But now hearing that Xu Mingbin bought a bicycle and listening to the villagers gossiping about him, the fire buried in Xu Minghai's heart was rekindled.

  "Isn't it just a car? I can get it too!" He tilted his head and spit out the dogtail grass in his mouth. He stood up and patted the dust and grass clippings on his body. Xu Minghai picked up the bamboo basket next to him and threw it on his back. I went down the mountain with high spirits.

  When Xu Minghai entered the courtyard, he saw his daughter-in-law drying in front of the house. Two days before, she had gone to visit relatives at her father-in-law's house. Her father-in-law had prepared herbs for her. He slowly put down the bamboo basket and walked in quietly, wanting to make a joke with his daughter-in-law. But "What are you doing?!"

  "Ah!" As soon as Xu Minghai walked behind Yingzi, before he could make any move, Han Xiuying turned around and said, "What are you doing?" Xu Minghai was startled, and he screamed unconsciously.

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