Chapter 31 Pig Hunting (unedited)

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  When Xu Minghai went to his old house and talked about this with Father Xu, he sat on a low stool in the main room and asked him what he planned to do. Knowing that Xu Minghai planned to ask everyone to help sell it, he had no objection, but he was willing to leave one to kill. I don't agree with eating.

  "Why don't you keep half of it and sell the other half? You have just started a family and will soon have a baby. There are many places to spend money. Selling more money and saving it is better than anything else." Father Xu thought more long term and thought it would be best for Xu Minghai to exchange more money.

  "No, dad, everyone hasn't eaten pork for a long time. I saw that one of the three little ones weighs about 150 pounds at most. After killing and removing the miscellaneous ones, the offal for myself can weigh up to 100 pounds at most." Twenty or thirty kilograms, we divided twenty kilograms into one hundred kilograms for each family. Don't you want to give some of the rest to Xiaoxi? She is pregnant, so it's time to take supplements." Xu Minghai seduced Father Xu.

  When Xu Xiaoxi was more than two months pregnant and almost three months old, the Han family came to the Xu family to tell the good news after seeing that the fetus was stable. However, it was just before the autumn harvest at that time, so Xu's mother, Xu Minghai and Yingzi were the ones holding the baby. Egg went to Dalishu Village.

  "You don't need to give it to each family so much. It's just a show of talent, right?" Father Xu scolded him. He usually only eats less than 20 jins of meat in a year. It's good for him to share it with each family at once. so much.

  "Dad~~" Xu Minghai shouted in a long voice, "It's not to show off, but it's difficult for everyone to get some meat to eat and do things. My brother and the others won't say anything for helping. What about my sister-in-law? If it happens again like last time It has been spread in the village that I, Xu Minghai, made a lot of money by selling two pigs. Doesn't that push me into the limelight?"

  "Also, if the meat is divided among everyone, at least some people in the village will say that I, Xu Minghai, are a prodigal. I won't say anything ugly or mean, and selling pigs won't be talked about every day. Besides, there aren't many people in my family. I'm a relative. My eldest sister-in-law and third sister-in-law will definitely send some to my mother's family. If they eat my meat, they will definitely say good things about me when they go out. Maybe everyone will say that you are a good teacher. Even if you have meat, you will not forget your brothers."

  Anyway, Xu Minghai felt that eating a pig was always cost-effective. Actually, the main thing is to have the other two. The money to sell it is enough. If there is only one, Xu Minghai will not be willing to eat it himself, and he has to sell it to buy a car!

  "I said, Dad, don't think so much. I don't know how long it will take for me to become a father. My third sister-in-law is due to give birth soon, right? Didn't the third brother say it's soon? You can treat me as your uncle." My little nephew has made up for it. Let the third sister-in-law eat more good food, and maybe I can give you another grandson." Xu Minghai had to go through a lot of effort to convince Mr. Xu.

  After hearing what his youngest son said, Father Xu made sense after thinking about it, "Okay, let's help you sell two of them, and we'll kill one ourselves." The silly boy had a lot on his mind, Father Xu sighed.

  The two of them agreed, and Xu Minghai walked to the door and shouted directly to the eldest brother's house next door: "Xiao Mao! Xiao Sheng! Come here! Fourth uncle has meat to eat."

  "Pah!" Father Xu went up and slapped him on the back. "What are you yelling for? What can you do if you run more, I'll show you how lazy you are." After saying that, Father Xu started to go to the yard to prepare things that could be used. guy.

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