Chapter 27 Fight on your own (unedited)

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  After Xu Minghai told his brothers, within a few days many people went to the mountains to look for honeysuckle, and it wasn't just from his own village. More and more people were looking for it. In the end, those people even found the honeysuckle and removed the entire tree. .

  Xu Minghai, who usually came out when it was cool, went to the tree he had picked the day before yesterday to check the situation. Not only were the flowers gone, but the tree was also gone. He was so angry that he wanted to beat someone.

  Xu Minghai returned home angrily, threw the bamboo basket to the ground, and sat on a stool in the yard to sulk.

  "Don't be angry. Who would have thought that something like this would happen? You had good intentions at the beginning." Han Xiuying advised him.

  "Good intentions are not rewarded!" If I had known this, I would have said nothing. At first, I didn't think that we were all brothers and we would make money together. Who would have known that this would happen.

  Xu Minghai knew that he didn't blame his wife for this, and he shouldn't get angry in front of her, but he was so full of anger that he couldn't hold it back. After saying a few words, he went to fetch water by himself. He couldn't stay there any longer. It was too irritating. He couldn't be angry with his wife.

  After dinner in the afternoon, the two of them were just lying on the bed and preparing to take a rest when they heard someone outside shouting: "Minghai, is Minghai at home?"

  Han Xiuying looked out of the window and saw Xu Minghai's eldest brother and sister-in-law, and quickly patted Xu Minghai to get him up.

  After letting Brother Xu and Sister Xu into the room, I realized that he was here to apologize.

  "Minghai, your sister-in-law didn't mean to tell you about Honeysuckle, and I've already told your sister-in-law at home that we did something wrong. Today, my brother and sister-in-law are here to make amends to you. I hope you won't feel bad about this. If you leave a pimple, blame your elder brother and sister-in-law." Brother Xu said to Xu Minghai.

  Xu Minghai smiled a little sourly, "What are you talking about? How could I resent my elder brother and sister-in-law?"

  "Minghai, you have heard about the situation of my sister-in-law's family. Who knew that my mother would tell my brother and the others about this? It's my sister-in-law's fault that happened this time. I'm sorry Minghai. I will never tell them next time. Sorry." Sister-in-law Xu looked at Xu Minghai and Han Xiuying speaking very sincerely and wanted to be forgiven.

  Brother Xu had already taught her a lesson at home just now, and she also knew how serious the consequences of this matter were. If she did not handle it well, not only would there be a gap between the sisters-in-law, but even the mother-in-law might have objections to her, and she would not be able to get the fourth child. Even if she doesn't forgive her, her husband's anger will probably not go away, so Sister-in-law Xu apologizes very sincerely.

  Xu Minghai said with a smile on his face: "Since the incident happened, my sister-in-law didn't mean it, so it's over. Just don't let something like this happen next time."

  Next time, oh, how can such a good thing happen next time? Even if there is one, I won't look for your home, Xu Minghai muttered in his heart.

  It turns out that the Honeysuckle incident became public knowledge because of Sister-in-law Xu. At the beginning of the period, Xu Minghai told everyone that honeysuckle can be bought in the county. The brothers were very happy and the price was not low. Sister-in-law Xu thought of her mother and father after hearing Brother Xu tell this.

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