Chapter 7 Han Xiuying's cooking skills (unedited )

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  Xu Minghai carried the distributed grain on his back, and Han Xiu carried other scattered small items. They walked leisurely from the old house to the new home. The mid-afternoon sunlight hit the two of them, and they looked very harmonious from a distance.

  Xu Minghai was a little silent along the way, completely losing his elegance at noon, with his head sullen and not knowing what he was thinking. Looking at Xu Minghai like this, Han Xiuying's heart felt astringent. She still preferred her husband who was beaming and telling interesting stories, because his look was more dazzling and his whole person seemed full of vigor and vitality.

  After staying in the dull and depressing palace for a long time, Han Xiuying longed to live a graceful life in her new life, and she also preferred such people who were full of vitality and lived openly. At noon, Xu Minghai talked about how energetic he was when he was fishing and hunting wild animals. She had never seen him since he entered the palace.

  He didn't like Xu Minghai who was so silent and silent now, and he didn't like this depressed feeling. She wanted to see the energetic person.

  "What's wrong with you?" Han Xiuying tried to ask.

  Xu Minghai looked up at Han Xiuying and immediately lowered his head, "I never thought Mom would give us such a small amount of food. There is still more than a month until the summer harvest, so it's not enough to eat."

  Xu Minghai felt that the food was not enough . , I feel like it will disappear in a few days. I don't understand why my mother gave me so little, and I never thought that I and my wife would starve if we ran out of food.

  "Mom should have brought us most of the food at home." Han Xiuying glanced at Xu Minghai and said faintly.

  "Ah, no way? How is it possible? How could there be no food at home?" Xu Minghai didn't believe what his wife said.

  "You've never seen how much food is left at home before, right? You've never seen how much food your mother puts in for cooking, right? Think about it, are some families in our village now hungry?"

  Xu Minghai thought, " Hey, it's true what you said. A few days ago, I heard He Xiaoma complain that the porridge his family drinks now can make people's shadows, which is almost the same as drinking water. Li Aijun also said that because they don't work and have no living, their family now We only cook two meals a day." It seems that everyone doesn't have much food now.

  "And if we eat these grains carefully, we can still eat them until the summer harvest. It should be similar to eating in the old house. Besides, you can hunt wild animals and fish, I believe you will make our family live a better life." Han Xiuying felt that Xu Minghai should cultivate the awareness of supporting the family and make him feel that their family could not survive without him. He was very important to their little family.

  When she received the food, Han Xiuying thought about how her family could live a better life in the future. As for making money, haha, not to mention that I don't have this kind of experience or experience, even the current society seems to not allow random business.

  As long as Xu Minghai makes progress and the couple makes progress bit by bit, it will be fine. Life is a bit poor, but it is still possible. If you want to make greater improvements, you must fully understand the country and society and see how much potential Xu Minghai has before making other plans.

  Xu Minghai was in a very excited mood now, and the unhappiness he felt just now had already gone away. My daughter-in-law felt that she was not just messing around fishing and hunting wild things. She also felt that she had the ability to make their family's life better. She really felt that it was more comfortable than drinking cold water in the summer. The feeling of being needed was so good that Xu Minghai was so excited that he even forgot that he didn't like to work.

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