Chapter 3 The beginning of new life

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  "What should we do? Yingzi has been asleep for half the afternoon. Why don't you go to the east end of the village and find your Grandpa Xu Er to come and take a look." 

  "What are you looking at? Didn't Grandpa Er take a look this morning and said everything is fine? Mom, you don't have to worry about it, let her sleep for a while, and she will wake up naturally when she is full." 

  There was a low conversation in her ears, and there was also a sigh. Concubine Qi heard it vaguely, and she had not yet figured out what was going on in her bedroom. There would be someone who would be so unruly talking in front of the master. She fall into darkness again. This time, as if in a dream, a story that was completely different from her era came into her mind, it was absurd and scary.

  It was an era without emperors. A little girl's life from childhood to adulthood, from birth to marriage, was vividly remembered as if it were her own experience, which made people feel real but incredible.

  After Xu's mother left, Xu Minghai lay huddled at the end of the bed, muttering in his heart: Why is my wife different from what I thought? Not only did she not listen to him, but she also stared at him when he did things, and even asked questions when he went out. It's very different from what I thought of as weak, obedient, well-behaved and sensible.

  Xu Minghai was a little irritable just a few days after getting married. He happily told his wife how many fishes he could catch in the river. Not only did his wife not praise him, she also said that someone from other village drowned; When they went hunting in the mountains, his wife looked frightened and told him that there were tigers and wolves in the mountains, just like she was taking care of a child.

  Alas, the wife I begged for, could only complain in my heart, or he would be laughed at. Although it's a bit noisy, it still looks very enjoyable. Thinking about some things, Xu Minghai fell asleep after a while.

  "Minghai, Minghai, is your wife awake? It's time to eat." A loud question came from not far away. Concubine Qi thought who is this, who is Minghai, is there such a person in my palace?

  Concubine Qi felt a sound at the end of the bed, footsteps getting further and further away, and then a young male voice replied, "Not yet, Mom, are you ready to eat? I'll go to the old house with you."

  What's going on? Concubine Qi wanted to figure out what was going on and struggled to wake up from her dream. She was finally able to open her eyes, but was frightened by what she saw in front of her.

  With the low roof and gray walls, this is not my bedroom at all!

  It seemed like the thatched houses that could be seen everywhere in the border towns when she was a child. No, they were not thatched houses, but more like the things in the dream just now. Could it be that they were still in the dream? Concubine Qi turned to look at the furnishings in the house. On the east side of the house, there was a simple big bed with no carvings. There is a cabinet at the end of the bed for clothes. Next to the cabinet is a row of storage shelves. There is a table under the window on the right side of the bed. Next to the table are the washing utensils. Happy words are posted everywhere on the walls and cabinets inside.

  This is obviously the house of the woman named Han Xiuying in the dream just now! How could she be here, could she still be in a dream, but how could someone outside the room speak so clearly? Concubine Qi forced herself to calm down, opened the coarse quilt covering herself, climbed to the bedside, and looked through the small window, it was them! It was Han Xiuying's husband and mother-in-law in the dream. Concubine Qi covered her mouth, forcing herself not to shout out, and then pinched her arm hard. It hurt so bad. This was not a dream!

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