Chapter 23 Entering the city again (unedited)

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  There are two dilapidated thatched sheds. One room houses the cows and donkeys, and the other room houses the old doctor. The old doctor's accommodation is better than that of the cows and donkeys. He is probably afraid of the cold in winter. There is a windproof door in front of the shed. .

  As soon as Xu Minghai approached the cowshed, he saw an old, thin man cutting grass in front of him.

  "Mr. Duan?" Xu Minghai walked up to greet people.

  Duan Deqing, who had not heard this title for a long time, almost hit his hand when he heard "Mr. Duan".

  "Who are you? There is no Mr. Duan here, only Mr. Duan." Duan Deqing didn't even raise his eyes, glanced at Xu Minghai with his peripheral vision, and continued his work.

  Xu Minghai had already thought about how to talk to him before he came. He didn't beat around the bush and just explained his purpose of coming. He wanted to learn herbal medicine from him. His family didn't have much money, so he paid for his tuition by eating food.

  I have been here for a year. I don't feel the pulse and ask for medical diagnosis. I work endlessly all day long. I work with these animals every day. Not only do I eat rough food, but I am hungry. Suddenly I heard someone say that I want to learn herbal medicine from me. Return food. In this era when you can't buy anything even if you have money or tickets, food is more valuable than money. Duan Deqing was moved in his heart and still refused.

  Food is important, but life is more important. Who knows if someone deliberately set a trap for him. He is afraid of being cheated. He finally has a peaceful life. He doesn't want to have another accident. He is hungry and suffering, but he was not pulled out in the first place. They were criticized everywhere and paraded through the streets with signs everywhere.

  Xu Minghai knew that he would not win successfully the first time, but he was confident that if he worked slowly for a few days and let the old man see his sincerity, he would eventually agree to it in a short time.

  Starting from this afternoon, Xu Minghai would come to the cowshed once or twice every day, either to deliver some food or food prepared by Han Xiuying, or to help the old man with his work. It's a pity that this place is remote, otherwise Xu Minghai really doesn't have the confidence to come here every day, or else the gossips in the village will see it, and then he will be in trouble if something spreads out.

  Xu Minghai doesn't ask anyone to teach him now. When he comes, he helps with some work when he sees it. If there is no work, he just says hello and puts down his things and leaves.

  Seeing Xu Minghai fussing like this, Han Xiuying couldn't help but want to directly say that she could recognize herbal medicines, maybe even more than that person recognized, but after thinking about the consequences, she still endured it and let Xu Minghai do it on his own. , to try, to grow.

  Xu Minghai rolled up his sleeves and followed the old man. Before he could let go, Xu Mingbin came to the door.

  Xu Mingbin came to Xu Minghai this time to ask if Minghai was going to the county town yet. The summer harvest was about to begin. He planned to buy more grain and see if there was anything else for sale on the black market. It would take nearly a month before and after the summer harvest. It's always better to prepare something in advance.

  When Xu Minghai heard that he was going to the county town, his expression became a little bad. Those unpleasant things had finally been forgotten and reappeared.

  "What, aren't you afraid that someone will catch you this time?" Xu Minghai said with a bit of anger when he remembered what happened last time.

  Xu Mingbin didn't mind Xu Minghai's attitude towards him: "I really didn't mean not to go with you last time, and didn't I hear people say that someone really had an accident in the county during those two days?" Xu Mingbin didn't know that Xu Minghai went on that day. On the day of the accident, Xu Minghai was unlucky enough to meet him.

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