Chapter 19 Next Plan (unedited)

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  Xu Minghai was only focused on having fun with his wife, so he almost forgot about going to the old house for dinner tonight. It wasn't until Han Xiuying asked what he wanted to eat tonight that he remembered that he wanted to go to the old house for dinner.

  "Yingzi, I made an agreement with dad and eldest brother tonight that we will have dinner at the old house tonight. You see what else is at home. I will bring some over." Xu Minghai thought about the brothers who are all at the old house. I am afraid that I will eat up the food stored in the old house.

  Seeing what Xu Minghai said, Han Xiuying thought about the things in the kitchen and said, "Bring over the steamed vegetables I made in the afternoon. As you know, I ate the fish I caught yesterday and ate it this morning. We don't have much else besides white noodles and rice." "Hey, why don't you bring the rice and flour?"

  Xu Minghai sniffed when he heard his wife making steamed vegetables. After the purslane is steamed, mix it with minced garlic and add some chili oil. It will really make people greedy. Take it out, when Han Xiuying made it for the first time, Xu Minghai was very unpromising and only ate two large bowls of steamed vegetables.

  "That's not necessary. Just get steamed vegetables. I'm sure they'll still want to eat it once." Xu Minghai knew how much food his family bought last time. The two of them have eaten these days, and the wife has already cooked a lot in the morning. There is not much food at home. If they eat the rest, they will probably be able to eat it for a few days, but it may not be enough to get it to the old house. A few big men were having a meal in the open.

  Han Xiuying saw that Xu Minghai was not taking food, so she thought about it and discussed with him, "This is the first time we have earned so much money. You didn't buy anything for everyone in the county, and there is nothing in the village. How about my little white flour?" Are you going to trade chickens with Cai Sao next door?"

  "Goodbye, Cai Sao won't trade chickens. There are only a few chickens in each house, and they are all waiting to lay eggs. I'll bring the yams I left for everyone. This time, Mom When it comes to cooking, we don't choose anything. We just have a few drinks happily." Xu Minghai felt that it was impossible to change the chicken. He had been digging yams for the past few days and didn't even go up the mountain to see if he had caught any pheasants. Thinking of this, Xu Minghai felt that it was right, and he could go and take a look at the trap.

  "I'm going to visit some traps on the mountain soon. I haven't been there for a few days, so maybe there's something there." Xu Minghai said with a smile.

  "By the way, do you want to give your parents some money? Since you haven't bought anything, why don't you give me five yuan? Dad has been worrying about our affairs these days." Han Xiuying felt that if she made money, it wouldn't matter to her parents-in-law. Do you have any opinions?

  "My parents won't want it. I'll try to give it to you that night." Xu Minghai felt that his parents would definitely not want his money.

  After Xu Minghai took the things and left, Han Xiuying went to the kitchen to cook her own meal, looking through the cabinets and worrying. She was almost out of food and couldn't last half a month. It seemed that she had to find time for Minghai to get more. Food.

  Xu Minghai wandered around the mountain, and what he really noticed was that there were two rabbits, one big and one small, in a trap. Xu Minghai didn't expect to raise them for his wife and children because they were cute, or they were too small to eat, but He just let his mother stew them all. They are all gentlemen. There are five of them. Counting his mother's six people, one rabbit is definitely not enough to eat.

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