Chapter 13 Why is it not martial arts? (unedited)

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  Xu Mingbin's attitude hurt Xu Minghai's little heart. Han Xiuying looked at her husband's aggrieved face and began to comfort him.

  "Look at how tight the investigation is now. Anyone who has something in their hands is tightly covered." Han Xiuying didn't quite believe Xu Mingbin's explanation that she was lucky.

  "We are good brothers!" Brothers who have played together since childhood, how can they guard themselves.

  "I didn't say you weren't good brothers, but there's another saying, isn't there a saying that brothers should settle accounts with each other!" Han Xiuying looked a little angry at Xu Minghai's attitude.

  This is her man, Han Xiuying secretly told herself that it was hers. Taking a deep breath, Han Xiuying regained her temper and said to him: "If the thing in his hand is really so useful and he doesn't hand it over, think about the consequences. ? The more people who know, the more danger there is. Shouldn't good brothers be considerate of each other? You definitely don't want anything to happen to him." 

  "Also, maybe he didn't tell you because he was afraid of bringing you danger. You Think about it, he didn't even go to the town, but went to a county further away, is it because he was afraid that too many people would be in danger if he knew." Han Xiuying began to fool Xu Minghai.

  Xu Minghai thought about it, could it be that as his wife said, she was afraid of danger so she didn't tell him? If that was the case, then wouldn't it be that I had misunderstood him?

  Seeing that Xu Minghai's expression improved, Han Xiuying continued to lie, "Since he doesn't want to say it, he definitely doesn't want people to know, so you can just pretend it didn't happen. Also, he may not want people to know that he went hunting in the deep mountains and old forests. You Doesn't it mean that it's not his first time to go to the county to sell wild animals? But, in the past few days, have you seen or heard anyone say that he went to the county in the village." 

  "It must have been at night or very early in the morning. He didn't want people to know that he set out, and he took you to the county seat with him today, which shows that you are still a good brother in his heart. Since he doesn't want people to know, for the sake of your good brother, let's not talk about it." Han Xiuying guessed Since I don't know anything about Li Li's family, I think it's better not to provoke them.

  Thinking about it, he said, "Oh, by the way Yingzi, I just learned today that wild animals can be exchanged for food, and it's much more cost-effective than buying it with money." Xu Minghai felt much better after hearing his wife's words, and then talked about other things.

  "Today Binzi exchanged a hare for rice." Xu Minghai thought this was very novel.

  "Well, it would be better to change it, but our family doesn't hunt as many wild animals as Binzi. We are lucky. We only catch one or two in a few days. We can't catch fish every time. People don't eat meat and don't have the energy to do it. Live, otherwise if there are wild animals in the future, don't sell them for money, just eat them yourself." How do people live by eating only food but no meat? Moreover, Han Xiuying also wanted to keep Xu Minghai away from Li Li and her family.

  "If you don't sell it, what can you get for money?" Xu Minghai was reluctant to part with the delicious meat, but as a man, he couldn't let his family have no income.

  "Eat, eat, Minghai, let's exchange money and think about other things." In order to keep Xu Minghai away from Xu Mingbin, Han Xiuying hugged his waist and acted coquettishly to please him.

  Being hugged by his daughter-in-law's small hands and coaxed with small words, Xu Minghai's heart felt so good, it was more comfortable than stepping on cotton, "Eat, eat, we will all eat if you are caught in the future, and we won't sell any of them." As a man How could he prevent his wife from eating meat? Xu Minghai decided that he would work harder in the future to make his daughter-in-law eat meat every day. His wife was so greedy that her temperament changed.

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