Chapter 25 Accident

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  Xu Minghai had a bad reputation in the village because he was young, ignorant and naughty. The yam incident last time had a certain improvement in his image in the village. However, because Xiaonanshan had been allocated to him at that time, this matter was not known privately. How much people talked about it.

  Unexpectedly, because Xu Minghai worked hard and hard this time, the team leader actually praised Xu Minghai at the meeting to summarize the harvesting of wheat. "Everyone wants Xu Minghai to learn from him. Xu Minghai has been working very hard these days. Those who are lazy and cheap should better go back and reflect on themselves. They are not working for others. Don't you take back the crops and divide them? ah!"

  What most people in the village look at in people is whether they are diligent and not attentive to their work. Xu Minghai was criticized before because he was lazy at work. Although the praise at this meeting made some people hate Xu Minghai, it didn't appear on the surface. People are talking about Xu Minghai's fault, and most of the villagers are still clear-sighted.

  "The four boys of the Xu family are different after they get married."

  "Yeah, I didn't expect it to change so much. I remember that I was very lazy before."

  "Xu Laosan has a large family. Without the help of his father and those brothers, he would have known that farming is not easy."

  "It's good if you know how to work. That way you'll look like a man. Otherwise, you'll really be an idle bastard."

  "No, I think he has changed a lot since he got married."


  After the meeting, the villagers discussed what had just happened in twos and threes and went home together.

  Han Xiuying listened to a few words and felt very good. She felt that the result was not bad. In Dachu in my previous life, there were quite a few people who were detained or even forced to death because of their bad reputations when something happened around them. Xu Minghai's reputation in the village was too bad before. People live in groups, no matter ancient or modern times. People with a bad reputation will not be welcomed by others, and when something happens, someone might make trouble for him.

  Xu Minghai, who just thought that if he worked more, his wife would work less, he didn't expect that he would be praised by the captain and the village elders and aunts because of this.

  After the wheat was cut, all that was left was to dry and thresh. The original plan was to thresh it directly after cutting, but looking at the clear sky and blue sky and white clouds, it didn't look like it was going to rain. I was as tired as a dog just after cutting. Young people are advised to take advantage of the good weather to get more sun and let everyone take a rest for two days.

  If it's cloudy, these farm guys are guaranteed to work faster than anyone else, but when the weather is good and conditions permit, just take your time and do it. Anyway, there is plenty of time in the long run, so why are you wasting your time like this? Really What to do if you are exhausted?

  The captain looked at each and every one of them wilting and thought that they had been working hard these past few days out of fear of a change in the weather. There was indeed a lot of work assigned. He also thought that it would be better to dry the wheat straw again and wait for the wheat ears to dry. After threshing, he looked at the sky and said, "Okay, everyone has been working a lot these days. Let's take a two-day break. But let's make an agreement first. If something seems a little bit wrong today, we have to come back as soon as possible." Finish the rest. If the food doesn't go into the warehouse, it doesn't count as your own. It all depends on God."

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