Chapter 29: Misfortune and blessing (unedited)

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  Xu Minghai rushed up with a shovel and hit the pig's head hard. A shovel was definitely more painful than a hit with a stick. The wild boar decisively gave up the target and attacked Xu Minghai aggressively. Xu Minghai was not a fool. After the beating, hurry up Turn around and run.

  The wild boar kept chasing after him. Xu Minghai ran around a few trees for a while. He felt that this was not possible. He was too tired, and the road in the mountains was not easy to walk. If he continued like this, he would be the one to get into trouble. Look, he was still shivering. As the wild boar chased him, Xu Minghai changed his mind and ran in the direction he had just come from.

  The traps dug in the past two days are just in use! Xu Minghai quickly led the wild boar towards the trap, estimated the distance, and ran to the edge of the trap. Xu Minghai threw the shovel in his hand at the wild boar and jumped with all his strength to the other side of the trap. The wild boar was annoyed by being beaten again and went to He arched forward hard and fell into the trap with a "wha~" sound.

  Fortunately, Xu Minghai wanted to hit big objects, so he dug a bigger trap.

  "Aw, ow~~" The upper body of the wild boar sank in, and was pricked by the tree thorns buried inside, and it screamed in agony as it fluttered.

  When Xu Minghai saw the wild boar fall in, he quickly ran back and took a shovel and hammered the pig hard several times to ensure that it penetrated deeper.

  Looking at the bleeding wild boar, Xu Minghai paid no attention to it and ran over to see Xu Ming's family, the young son of the team leader, and his nephew Tiedan. Xu Ming's family was still lying under the tree, and the wounds on their bodies were still bleeding. Seeing Xu Minghai coming over, he excitedly stretched out his bloody fingers and gasped in the direction of his nephew: "Minghai, go check on Tiedan first and see how Tiedan is doing?"

  "Don't move, let me take a look first." Xu Minghai ran to Tiedan and found that the child was not moving. He was so frightened that his face was still hot when he touched it. He quickly lay on his chest and listened, hearing the heartbeat. My heart finally calmed down a little.

  "Don't worry, he's still alive. He passed out." Tiedan's father died of an illness a few years ago, leaving him with this single seedling, which the captain's family treasures.

  Xu Minghai saw that both of them were not in good condition, and he couldn't get them back, so he left them alone. He was afraid that the bloody smell would attract other dangerous animals, and he was sweating anxiously.

  After thinking for a while, he insisted: "Ming family, I can carry one of them out, but the road is too bumpy and the walking is slow. You guys wait here for a while, and I will call someone quickly."

  Xu Minghai ran down the mountain with all his strength. The mountain road was difficult to walk and it was easy to fall if he walked fast. Xu Minghai crawled and rolled towards the village. From a distance, I saw a group of old men chatting under the big tree at the entrance of the village. They quickly ran and shouted, "Help, help."

  Hearing Xu Minghai's shout, everyone looked along the sound and saw the four boys of the Xu family running here desperately, shouting incessantly. When they heard clearly what Xu Minghai was shouting, a group of people were shocked. All stood up.

  "What's wrong?"

  "What happened Minghai?"

  Xu Minghai gasped and ran over and said: "Save people, save people quickly, the Ming family and Tiedan were overrun by wild boars in the old forest."

  "What, how could this happen? Where is it? Is the injury serious?" someone asked anxiously.

  "Stop talking so much, hurry up and find someone to carry him. There's blood. I'm afraid I'll run into other evil things if I get there too late." Xu Minghai urged everyone to go quickly.

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