Chapter 9 Textbooks and rags (unedited )

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  He was too full from lunch. Xu Minghai spent half the afternoon walking around the village to eat. He happened to see Binzi and Li Li coming back from the town at the entrance of the village. He immediately stopped them happily and told them about Han Xiuying learning to cook. "Okay, you can ask your younger siblings to come to our house later." Li Li readily agreed.

  When you go to someone else's house to learn how to cook, you can't always use their food. Food is so precious these days, so Han Xiuying thought about it again and again, and finally took two meals of her own food. Before leaving, she asked Xu Minghai to bring the wild vegetables they picked in the morning. I took it too.

  "Binzi, Binzi, we are here." Xu Minghai called as soon as he entered the door.

  "Why are you so quick, kid? Come into the house. These are my siblings. Li Li will just clean up the house for a while." Binzi came out of the house listening to Xu Minghai's voice.

  Han Xiuying and Binzi said hello, "Brother Mingbin" and then entered the house. Binzi's full name is Xu Mingbin, who is several months older than Xu Minghai. Xu is a common surname in Xujiazhai, and more than half of the people in the village who are about the same age as Xu Minghai are from the "Ming" generation.

  "Brothers and sisters are here. You sit down and wait for a while. I will pack up the sundries I just brought from town." Li Lili poured water for Han Xiuying neatly and asked her to wait for a while.

  "Xiao Li, Minghai said there are wild animals in the traps on the mountain. Let's go take a look." Xu Mingbin's voice came out of the yard.

  "Okay, be careful when going up the mountain." Li Li answered without thinking.

  Xu Minghai ran to the house and told Han Xiuying to go up the mountain, and was teased by Binzi and Li Li.

  After the men left, Han Xiuying sat down and looked around, and found that the layout of their home was the same as her own, except that there were more small things than her own, which should have been added by the two of them in daily life. What aroused Han Xiuying's curiosity the most was Li Li is currently sorting out the pile of junk-like things.

  "Sister-in-law, where did you buy these things from in town? I also want to find a book on how to cook." It should be bought, right? You can't just ask someone where they picked it up just because it looks like rags.

  "Brother and sister, please don't be polite to call me sister-in-law. We are all about the same age. I heard Minghai call you Yingzi just now. I will call you Yingzi from now on. You can also just call me Xiaoli." One sister-in-law and one sister-in-law said. I really can't stand it, Li Li thought to herself.

  "These books you mentioned are mostly high school textbooks. My Binzi, like your Minghai, has been away from junior high school since he finished junior high school. I want him to learn from it, maybe it will be useful one day. Do you want us to town? There is no bookstore in the city. If you want to buy books, you have to go to the county. But you can go to the scrap station and have a look. Maybe there will be one there. I think these textbooks were bought there, but don't hold out too much hope. Most of the books are old and unwanted textbooks, and there are very few others."

  Han Xiuying was embarrassed that her master was busy and she also helped to clean up. She was a little dazed looking at the things under her hands. These old-looking bottles, cans, dishes, etc. What an antique! Do you want to remind Li Li?

  After Li Li finished speaking, she didn't hear Han Xiuying answer. When she looked up, she saw Han Xiuying looking at the ceramic bowl in her hand in a daze. She quickly took it and said, "These things are also from the scrap yard. They are of no great use. I just took them when no one wanted them." I picked it up to see if it can be used to feed the chicks. Don't touch these things. They are covered with dust. Be careful to dirty your hands."

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