Chapter 20 Something happened in the county (unedited)

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  In the morning, Xu Minghai waited at the entrance of the village and didn't wait long before he saw Binzi coming, but there was something wrong no matter how he looked at it. "Where are your things? Don't you have any prey?" Seeing Binzi coming empty-handed, Xu Minghai was very confused.

  "Minghai, let's not go today. Let's go again after a while." Xu Mingbin said with some lack of confidence. He promised to do something, but because he couldn't do it, he felt a little embarrassed.

  "What's wrong? Didn't you agree? Do you have anything urgent to do today?" Xu Minghai thought something had happened to Binzi and asked quickly.

  Xu Mingbin looked at Xu Minghai with eager eyes, and swallowed back the reason that came to his lips. To tell the truth: "No, it's your sister-in-law who doesn't want to go, and said she would have to wait a few days." In fact, Xu Mingbin originally planned to secretly leave with Xu Minghai in the morning, but since he said he was going to town, his wife became very interested. If you are not allowed to go, you are not allowed to go. As soon as Xu Mingbin turned over this morning, Li Li woke up and refused to go to town today.

  "Why do we have to wait a few days?" Xu Minghai didn't understand. Isn't it the same if you go early or late? Why should the promised date be delayed for several days?

  Xu Mingbin looked at Xu Minghai who was full of doubts and could only repeat what Li Li said to him: "Your sister-in-law said that the town is not peaceful recently, and the investigation is very strict. If you are caught going to the black market to exchange food, you will be charged with the minimum crime of speculation." He's in jail. She said it would be best if we wait a few days."

  Xu Minghai became a little impatient when he heard that it was related to the ladies at home, "Forget it if you don't want to go, I'll go by myself." It's not like I haven't done it before. Isn't everything fine? I'm just worried. With that said, he walked towards the entrance of the village.

  "Minghai, why don't you go? Sometimes your sister-in-law's news is quite accurate. If you don't miss it for a few days, it will be too late if something goes wrong." Xu Mingbin shouted to Xu Minghai. After living together for some days, Xu Mingbin didn't want such a trivial matter to affect the couple's relationship, and at the same time, he didn't want Xu Minghai to take risks.

  "Go back, don't worry about me." Xu Minghai waved his hand to Xu Mingbin without even looking back and set foot on the road to the county seat alone in the morning light.

  Good things don't work, bad things work. When Xu Minghai turned into the street where he exchanged food and was stopped by two soldiers with armbands for inspection, he knew that Li Li's crow mouth had really told him that the county The investigation was really strict.

  Xu Minghai's backpack contained not only dozens of kilograms of yams delivered to the hospital, but also a live pheasant and a half-dead fish. The examiner detained him at the first sight.

  "Be honest, what are you planning to do with so many things? Do you want to sell them privately?!" The person asking the question looked to be a few years older than Xu Minghai, but his attitude was so arrogant that he stared at Xu Minghai. It's almost impossible to label him speculative.

  Xu Minghai passed by something last time, and this time he was more cautious than last time. "He went to the hospital to deliver medicinal materials to the hospital."

  The leader with a shrewd face looked at the pheasants and fish in the basket on Xu Minghai's back and rummaged through the yams and said: " Hey, you dare to lie, who are you lying to! Suppress it!"

  When Xu Minghai heard that he was going to be taken away, he broke out in cold sweat. As soon as he was taken away, his skin would be peeled off even if he died. He quickly asked the team leader to explain: "Brother, I'm not lying. It's true. I want to give it to Director He of the hospital's purchasing department. These chickens and fish are also given to Director He. Thanks to Director He last time, my mother-in-law was able to see a doctor in time. I want to thank him this time." 

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