Chapter 15 Money Lost (unedited)

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  After dinner early the next day, Han Xiuying did not let Xu Minghai, who was obsessed with losing money, dig yams in the mountains. She felt something was wrong, but asked him to take the matter to his old house, Xu's father and several of his family members. Brother discussed it.

  Xu Minghai was very happy after hearing this. He felt that he could make money with his father, mother, and brothers. Who would dare to say that he went to the mountains and didn't do business? Didn't he find this yam in the mountains by himself?

  "Then do you want to go and talk to Binzi?" Xu Minghai was still thinking about the good buddies he had grown up with.

  "If you are willing to go, why don't you kidnap his house when you go to the old house later?" Han Xiuying is not worried at all that Xu Minghai will take this matter to Li Li's house, because they don't care, and hunting can make more money than selling these yams. too much.

  As Han Xiuying expected, Xu Minghai went to Binzi's house to talk about the matter. Xu Mingbin did not behave as positively as Xu Minghai, but found an excuse to politely refuse. "This is what you discovered. You go ahead and do it. I don't have much time to dig with you when I go to the mountains. Although I can't catch wild animals every day in the mountains, I think it's good." 

  Xu Minghai came out of Xu Mingbin's house. No matter what happens, I feel uncomfortable. I feel that the relationship between him and Binzi is not as good as before. Thinking about what my wife said, no one is the same. People will always change due to certain people, certain things or certain circumstances. Growth, change. Everyone has a family and needs to support their family. Xu Minghai found reasons for Xu Mingbin to change.

  When he arrived at his old house, Xu Minghai realized that Xu Mingbin had only brought him drizzle, and his father was the one who poured cold water on him.

  Originally, Xu Minghai was extremely excited and called everyone together to discuss his plans to make money. His brothers reacted normally after hearing this.

  "Can these yams really be exchanged for money? Go to the county and ask clearly." The eldest brother of the Xu family looked at his father and said nothing. The other two brothers looked at him and asked.

  "Of course I asked. Yesterday I went out for a day and even asked about the price. The hospital charged 12 cents for the processed food, 6 cents gross, and the non-staple food station charged 5 cents cents. But the hospital said it was only 56 cents. Ten kilograms is enough." Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, Xu Minghai quickly quoted the price.

  "Although five points is a small amount, the yam grows in the soil and the hair is heavy when it is dug out. There should be a lot of it in the mountains." This is what Xu's elder brother Xu Mingjiang said.

  "If it is sold directly to the purchasing station, then this is a legitimate way with less risk and you will not be caught." This is what Xu's second brother Xu Minghe said.

  "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go dig in the mountains quickly. We can exchange some money and give Fangfang some food to supplement her health. She eats grains all day long and her body can't keep up at all now." This is what Xu Sange Xu Minghu said. , his wife was found to be pregnant two days ago, and he is now very worried about his wife's health.

  Father Xu looked at the excitement of his third son, and then looked at the other sons who were eager to try. He took a puff of the dry cigarette in his hand and said, "Why are you so anxious?"

  Father Xu took another puff and spit it out before looking at Xu. Minghai said slowly: "I can't see this matter, don't worry, just sit down and listen to what I have to say." Seeing his third son and fourth son immediately wanting to refute excitedly, Father Xu knocked on the table with his cigarette pole. Let them sit back and listen.

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