Chapter 37 Causes and Consequences (unedited)

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  After hearing what Xu Datou said about Xu Minghai, Han Xiuying was very worried about Xu Minghai. She believed Xu Minghai. With Xu Minghai's character, if he just knew that those people cheated him out of money, he would impulsively go up and beat people with bruises and bruises. There are other things.

  She entered the bedroom and dug through the house. Xu Minghai had been keeping the money for her in the past few months. In addition to the two hundred yuan she gave him yesterday to buy a car and their expenses in the past few months, her family now has It was more than three hundred. Han Xiuying didn't even count how much she had and put it in her arms. What she wanted now was to get Xu Minghai back as soon as possible and beat him up. He would definitely be retaliated for being held captive.

  It is very unwise to act rashly when you don't understand the situation. Han Xiuying took some self-defense items, locked the door, and went to the house of Xu Er Ge Xu Minghe, which was closer to her home. Xu Er Ge and Xu Er Sao had just put the rice on the table and were about to eat. Well, when Sister-in-law Xu saw Han Xiuying coming, she quickly greeted her, "Yingzi, come sit down quickly. Have you eaten? I'll get you a pair of chopsticks."

  "No, second sister-in-law, I just want to discuss something with my second brother." After saying that, Han Xiuying didn't hesitate and sat down on the stool moved by second sister-in-law Xu.

  "What's the matter? Where's Minghai, why don't you let him run away." Brother Xu didn't see his younger brother and thought he was lazy and let his wife run away.

  "It's Minghai's business, second brother." Han Xiuying explained the matter in general. Xu Minghe became angry after hearing this and stopped talking again. Regardless of whether the gambling was right or not, or whether the beating today was due to Xu Minghai, it was his brother who dared to hold his brother captive.

  "You and I will go to the town to see what's going on and bring people here." Xu Minghe looked serious.

  Han Xiuying felt that Xu Minghai's brothers were still reliable. "Don't go yet. I heard from Xu Datou that the one called Brother Biao is very arrogant. If he didn't have any skills, he wouldn't blatantly extort money from people. I I found out that Xu Datou is at home tonight, and I want you and your eldest brother or third brother to go to his house and ask about the situation."

  When she said this, she paused and looked down at her hands, "It's easier to do things if you understand the situation, isn't it?" The last sentence seemed to be spoken to Brother Xu, but also seemed to be asked to herself.

  For the first time, Xu Minghe felt that his younger sister-in-law was capable of getting things done and had a clear mind. "You and your second sister-in-law are waiting at my house. You are not allowed to go anywhere. I will go and ask and I will be back in a while."

  Sister-in-law Xu saw that Han Xiuying was not in a good mood, so she brought her a bowl of hot water without saying any useless words of comfort. Han Xiuying lowered her head and thought quietly. The two wanted to sit across from each other but neither spoke. The room was quiet.

  Although the constraints on women are smaller at this time, there are still restrictions. In fact, she can make Xu Datou explain something clearly on her own, and she can subdue him by just adding some medicine, but they are from the same village, and she is not the lady of Dachu's general mansion now. When it is over, she can find a reason to put this person away. This kind of person can be dealt with casually, Han Xiuying thought.

  For civilians, the country's laws tend to be very restrictive. She doesn't want to cause trouble now, and the most important thing is Xu Minghai's return. As for how to get back the grievances suffered, Han Xiuying let out a cold smile. She would take her time with this kind of thing in the future, huh, don't be in a hurry.

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