Chapter 35 Calculation (unedited)

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  Xu Minghai came back from Director He and told Han Xiuying the result of the matter. Han Xiuying was very satisfied. Not only did he have his ticket, he also had his next job. He probably wouldn't play cards all day anymore.

  "What are you going to do with what Director He wants?" Han Xiuying wanted Xu Minghai to get busy and do something.

  Xu Minghai thought for a while and said, "I can dig traps in the mountains to catch pheasants, and I can also catch fish in the river. But our family doesn't have eggs." After the family was divided, Xu's mother originally wanted to give them some chicks to feed. Yes, but Han Xiuying had just arrived at that time. She felt that she couldn't feed herself, so she didn't want them. Before that, the eggs their family ate were occasionally sent by Xu's mother.

  "Since Director He said we paid, why don't you go to the old house and ask. We don't have any, so let's take someone else's." Han Xiuying felt that this was the only way.

  "Yingzi, our family is going to buy a car in two days, are you happy about it?" After discussing the business, Xu Minghai started to talk about other things with his arms around his wife.

  The next day, Xu Minghai got up early and went to the mountains, and then he went to find Xu Mingbin, because he wanted to test the car first. He would have a car in two days. How could he not know how to ride a bicycle? As for collecting eggs, hehe, I have a wife.

  In two days, Xu Minghai mastered it and felt that it felt good. Now he is waiting to go to the county seat to find Director He to get the tickets.

  On the day of going to the county seat, Xu Minghai put more than 20 local eggs and a fish in his backpack. He couldn't get the pheasant yet, so he thought about giving some away first, and he would save more when he got a car next time. past.

  Director He saw that what Xu Minghai had brought was not too little, so he just told him, "Look for as much as you can when you go back. The more, the better."

  "Okay, Director He, I will find a way to get more when I get back." Xu Minghai now sees that Director He is closer than anyone else. Director He gave him the ticket as soon as he came in and asked him if he knew where to buy it. , if you don't know, you can ask someone to lead him there.

  Xu Minghai said that he knew the place, declined Director He's kindness, and even wanted to give him money for the bus ticket. Of course, Director He confiscated it. He said that if you wanted to thank him, just get him what he asked for.

  After saying goodbye to Director He and coming out of the hospital, Xu Minghai went to the only department store in the county. Last time, he just went in and took a quick look. The things inside were really out of reach for him, so he didn't dare to take a serious look at this. The first time he came in, he straightened his back. Isn't there a saying that says, "Money emboldens the poor?" Xu Minghai is now a man with two hundred yuan in his pocket.

  The dazzling array of products made Xu Minghai feel like he had entered another world. There were chat boxes he had only heard about and electric fans he had never seen or heard of, etc. This was completely different from the township supply station he had been familiar with since childhood. Same.

  Xu Minghai looked at the various clothes hanging inside, the various cloths, the various scarves and face creams used by women, and the dressing of the women walking by, and he suddenly felt that he was actually nothing. With all the money he had, he would have spent more than half of it to buy a car, and he would have been distressed for a long time. When could he give Yingzi such a life?

  Xu Minghai stood in a crowded department store and fell into deep self-denial. He always felt that he could let his wife live a good life with him, but now, he can buy the things here for his wife. What? Not to mention money, he couldn't even get tickets. I asked Director He for the ticket this time. Do I have to ask Director He for a ticket if I want to buy cloth for Yingzi to make clothes in the future?

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