Chapter 8 Novel Cognition (unedited )

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  The next day, the two of them got up in the morning and messed around with breakfast, and then Xu Minghai went to Binzi Binzi's house. My daughter-in-law's craftsmanship is too much to be praised, so I'd better let her learn it early.

  After Xu Minghai went out, Han Xiuying finished tidying up the kitchen and started cleaning the house. I emptied out all the sheets, quilts, and clothes that could be washed and changed. Just looking at the pile of things to wash makes me feel tired. This is because she just got married and many things are new and haven't been touched by her yet, otherwise Han Xiuying would really not be able to bear it.

  Looking at this pile of things, don't wash them, just use your diaphragm. Wash it, I feel tired just looking at it, throw it away, my family still has no money and tickets to buy a new one.

  Han Xiuying sat in the yard and fought with the washboard for a long time. When Xu Minghai came back from outside, she saw that the clothesline in her home was slowly covered with sheets, quilts and clothes.

  "Why are you washing so many things? We just got married and haven't even used them today." My wife is so diligent and has washed so much.

  "Um... I thought the weather would be good so I changed and washed the things at home so that we can use them cleaner, right?" Han Xiuying said with a guilty conscience as she rinsed the just-used washtub in her hand.

  Xu Minghai already knew that his wife liked to be clean, so he didn't think much about it. "Oh, by the way, I just went to see Binzi's house. There was no one at Binzi's house. I went to his old house and asked. He said that Binzi and Li Li went to town today. They probably won't be back until this afternoon. I'll go to his house to see him later in the afternoon. Look, I just saw Brother Youcai next door. He said that Sister-in-law Youcai is at home. If that doesn't work, go next door and learn from Sister-in-law Youcai." 

  "Well, that's the only way. Minghai, I just washed your clothes in the morning. The load of water is almost used up. Do you want to go pick up more?" There is no well at home, so she has to go to the village to pick up water. Han Xiuying finds it very inconvenient. If she doesn't pay attention, she will run out of water at home.

  Xu Minghai glanced at Wengli and said, "My wife is so lively. The big tank that was filled only in the morning is now only at the bottom of the water."

  "Okay, then I'll pick some more." Xu Minghai grinned and went to the kitchen to get a pole and bucket. The water well is in front of the village, a little far away from my house. If I want to fill the big water tank, I have to go back and forth at least four times. I rub my shoulders that are still a little sore after carrying water in the morning, and then look at my wife's face smiling silly at me. , Xu Minghai shook his head and went to fetch water resignedly.

  After finishing it, I saw that the whole house was much brighter. Although it was a little tiring, it was worth it! Han Xiuying thought to herself.

  It was past ten o'clock after fetching water. Han Xiuying suggested going to the mountains to have a look. She wanted to find some wild vegetables and see what herbs were available on the mountains. She also asked Xu Minghai to go to the mountains to collect firewood.

  People like Xu Minghai can't be idle. When they are idle, they are either lazy or causing trouble. Find something for him to do just right. It is not too tiring to collect firewood, and it can train people. The two of them can cultivate feelings together. Han Xiuying arranged this for herself very satisfied.

  The trap was dug yesterday and there might be some wild animals there. Xu Minghai also thought it would be good to go to the mountains to have a look. In this way, the two of them went up the mountain with He Lele carrying bamboo baskets.

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