Chapter 33 Going into the mountains to share the meat (unedited)

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  Because the captain said that he wanted to find someone to go hunting in the mountains, Xu Minghai did not rest after breakfast. He ran to the old house to tell his father that he would not kill pigs today until the villagers came back from the old forest, so that everyone would have meat to eat. , their family kills pigs again.

  "Yingzi, why are people so complicated? You have to be so careful when eating meat." When Xu Minghai came back from his old house, Han Xiuying asked him to lie down on the bed and take a rest. Xu Minghai was not happy to have to drag Han Xiuying. Together.

  When Han Xiuying heard what he said, she didn't know how to answer. What can people and society say? "Don't think so much, just get some sleep." After tucking him in with the quilt, Han Xiuying tried to disturb him and let him Can fall asleep and rest quickly.

  After sleeping for a long time, Xu Minghai woke up. He took out the money from the pig sale and counted it several times. He looked at the money on the bed and smiled like a fool.

  As soon as Han Xiuying entered the room, she saw him lying on the bed and giggling. Money was scattered all over the bed. She walked over and patted him, "Okay, I know our family has made a lot of money this time, but you can't be too proud, you know? There will be a long time between the two of you, and I am still waiting for you to make more money in the future."

  Han Xiuying was afraid that he would be so happy that she would float up. It is necessary to praise him and give him confidence, but it is also necessary to suppress his excitement and let him move forward steadily.

  "I'm just happy to see so much money. Here, I'll leave the money to you. It's up to you to decide our family." Xu Minghai said with a smile, picked up the money, took his wife's hand and stuffed it inside.

  "You." Han Xiuying took the money, nodded his forehead, called him up, and they went to have lunch together.

  Xu Minghai didn't go anywhere in the afternoon. He stayed at home with Han Xiuying. When it was time to cook in the evening, Han Xiuying gave him something to send him to see Mr. Duan.

  The two of them were having dinner in the evening when they heard a loudspeaker in the village calling so and so to come to the brigade headquarters for a meeting to discuss hunting in the mountains.

  It was the biggest meal in the world. Xu Minghai slowly ate two bowls of porridge and one and a half steamed buns and helped his wife take the bowls and chopsticks to the kitchen before wandering to the brigade headquarters.

  Han Xiuying also urged him to hurry up, otherwise it would be bad if he was late if everyone arrived. Xu Minghai smiled and said to her, silly wife, are you late? Huh, I went there too early. These guys have no sense of time. I guess if I wait another half an hour, everyone might not be able to arrive.

  This was really the case when Xu Minghai arrived at the brigade headquarters, and only a few people came. The captain also praised him and several other team captains for coming early and being proactive.

  Several team captains, the team leader, and Officer Bai had almost finished the plan they had discussed and waited for the others to arrive. They explained it to everyone. They mainly explained that Minghai, Mingbin and an old hunter from the village would lead the team in this time, emphasizing that everyone You are not allowed to act privately when entering, and you must follow the team closely. "If anyone breaks away from the group and goes alone, not only will the harvest of this hunting not be shared with him, but he will also have to clean up the latrines of the village primary school for a month when he comes back."

  The captain looked at the boys below and then said, "We will go in for two days this time and bring with us anything we can use for hunting. After two days, no matter how many we get, we must come out before dark. If anyone doesn't want to come out, just wait and feed the wild animals inside." Bar."

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