Chapter 10 Go to town (unedited )

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  When Xu Minghai returned home, he saw his daughter-in-law cooking in the kitchen and said, "I'm back." After saying this, he squatted in front of the stove to light the fire very diligently.

  "We're back. How are the prey in the trap on the mountain?" Looking at Xu Minghai's proactive attitude of helping, Han Xiuying thought it should be good.

  "It's not bad. Not counting the rabbit we ate this morning, there are three pheasants and a hare." Xu Minghai added firewood to the stove.

  Han Xiuying found it funny to see how he was obviously very happy and pretended not to care, "You have gained so much this time, doesn't it mean that our villagers are not good at hunting?" Because there are dangers in the mountains, it seems that no one in the village goes hunting.

  "I don't know, maybe we just got lucky. People in the village really don't go to the mountains to hunt very much. We used to dig traps on the mountains. If we were lucky, there would be one or two chickens or rabbits in a few days. If we were not lucky, we would find one or two chickens or rabbits. There was nothing at that time, so this time it was good luck." Xu Minghai felt that they were just lucky.

  "What about your wild animals? Why didn't I see them?" According to Xu Minghai's temperament, it was impossible to release the things he got.

  Xu Minghai looked at his wife and said with some embarrassment: "Binzi said that he wanted to take it to a grocery store in town to see if he could sell it for money. Didn't we eat rabbit today? I wanted to give it a try with him. , so I put my pheasant in his chicken coop with his. We don't have room to put it in our house. Don't worry, wife, if I change the money, I will definitely buy you something delicious." Xu Minghai patted his chest Guaranteed to arrive. He thought his wife asked where the prey was because she still wanted to eat meat.

  Afraid of disappointing his wife, Xu Minghai also told Binzi about other plans he had mentioned, "Yingzi, Binzi said that the county should be able to use money to buy fine grains at high prices. People in the city are given per head, so there is always enough fine grains to eat." I'm done. I'll change some money and also want to buy some fine grains. I've been eating sorghum, sweet potatoes, and wild vegetables all day long. You haven't eaten good rice and noodles many times since you got married."

  Listening to Xu Minghai's words, Han Xiuying was not moved. It's a lie. Han Xiuying never thought that this man who usually shouts and laughs a little childishly can think so much about his wife.

  When you are comfortable and happy, you always feel that the days pass very quickly. In the past few days, Xu Minghai and Han Xiuying either went to collect firewood or dig wild vegetables, or went to find Binzi to go for a walk in the mountains. As the relationship between the two increased, Han Xiuying and Li Liyue The good day has come to go to the town. Xu Minghai and Binzi also went there on this day, but they set off early. They wanted to go to the town to check out the wild animals, and then go to the county.

  Because it was possible to get food in the county, when Xu Minghai was leaving, Han Xiuying gave him ten yuan. According to the prices at this time, "I don't know how much those two pheasants can be sold for. These ten yuan Take it with you and go to the county to have a look. If there is food, buy some. I heard that there are people who arrest black market transactions. You must be vigilant when you go out. If there is any problem, run away quickly." 

  "Well, the chickens are sold. There should be no big problem at the purchasing station in the town. I will be careful when I go to the county seat. Wife, I will bring you delicious food when I come back." Xu Minghai reluctantly brought his wife's loving breakfast - two mixed wild vegetable pancakes and Binzi set off together.

  After Xu Minghai left, Han Xiuying tidied up the house, ate some simple yam and polenta, put away the things she wanted to use today, and carried the bamboo basket on her back to join Li Li.

  "Yingzi, let's not be in a hurry. We can walk there in two hours. We have enough time to walk now." Li Li told Han Xiuying very experiencedly.

  Two hours! Han Xiuying thought that it was lucky that she had practiced in the past few days, otherwise, she would have collapsed from exhaustion halfway through.

  The two chatted and laughed all the way without feeling that the time was hard. When they got to town, Li Li went to pick up the things she had ordered with someone before. Han Xiuying turned left and right and followed Li Li to the depths of Hudong. Li Li patted the courtyard door three times. A young boy's voice came out, "Who is it? What are you doing?"

  "I left something here last time. I'll pick it up today." He answered.

  After hearing Li Li's answer, the two old wooden doors inside creaked apart and a young man's head popped out. He looked around cautiously and saw that it was Li Li who nodded, then looked at Han Xiuying next to him.

  "This is my younger brother and sister who came with me. It's okay." Li Li quickly explained when she saw him looking at Han Xiuying.

  "Then come in." The young man said, opening the door and closing it immediately after Han Xiuying and Li Li entered.

  Han Xiuying felt strange looking at this posture. She didn't know what Li Li was coming to get. She looked like a spy agent in some movie.

  The two people were led into a dark room by the young man, where there was an old man playing with something on the table. Seeing Li Li coming in, she stood up and said, "Here you go, the things you asked for are ready. You can check to see if they are what you asked for."

  Li Li walked to the table and took the things one by one. Looking at the items, Han Xiuying also looked at the things on the table. The more she looked at them, the more familiar they felt, but she couldn't remember seeing them there.

  After Li Li read everything and said it was okay, she put the things in her bamboo basket and covered them with something, paid and went out, Han Xiuying still didn't remember what she had seen there.

  Looking at Han Xiuying who had been following her without asking a question, Li Li took the initiative to explain, "That family used to be a blacksmith. I asked them to make some animal traps. Doesn't my Mingbin often go to the mountains? Maybe these things can be used. 

  "Is it so mysterious to make a bear trap? " There are bear traps in that pile, but what are the other scattered parts for? I must have seen those things there. Han Xiuying became even more suspicious after hearing Li Li's explanation.

  After that, the two went to the supply and marketing cooperative. Li Li had come to buy it a few days ago, and there was no need to add anything else to the house. Han Xiuying had not been short of anything at home because she had not been married long, so she just took the only 2 taels of sugar stamps at home, bought sugar and then beat it. Soy sauce and vinegar are the kitchen supplies that their family consumes the fastest now. As for oil and salt, Xu's mother gave them more last time and they can still eat them for at least a month or two.

  Han Xiuying came here mainly to check out the items and prices today. She was not in a hurry to buy. She asked about the prices of most of the items. Finally, she was pulled away by Li Li when the salesperson drove her away impatiently.

  "Don't be familiar with them. They all think they are uncles. They can't be so arrogant for a few more years. Just wait, in a few years they will beg our customers to buy things." Han Xiuying knew that Li Li was She was talking about the two unfriendly salesmen just now, but she really didn't take it to heart.

  She felt that her status was lowered by such a petty attitude.

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