Chapter 36 Detained (unedited)

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  Xu Minghai is not a brainless person. When he came to town, he first went to the alley entrance yesterday. After wandering around for a while, I roughly understood what was going on around me, and then I went to find an old man who was sitting in the sun at the gate and asked about the situation.

  "Uncle, I have nothing to do to keep warm. I want to ask you something." Xu Minghai squatted next to the old man and said to him with a smile.

  The old man opened his eyes that were almost asleep, moved his body, looked at him and asked: "What? What do you want to ask?"

  "My dad asked me to visit my cousin, but I found that the house I just walked to didn't look like anyone. I wanted to ask who lives there to see if I remembered the wrong door." Xu Minghai Pointing to the yard where Xu Datou took him to play cards yesterday.

  The old man looked at the yard he was pointing at, then turned to look at him again, "What's your cousin's surname and her name?"

  Xu Minghai thought to himself, "How can I really have a cousin? My surname is Xu. My father said it sounds like my name is Xu Cuihua." He lied and didn't write a draft, so Xu Minghai went on to compile it.

  "Then you must have remembered the wrong door. That family's surname is Wang, and there is no old woman for a long time." The old man said to Xu Minghai after hearing what he said.

  "Then who lives in that house now? I remember that's right." He finally detoured to the topic.

  "That family," the old man said with obvious enthusiasm, "there is a child living in that family. You didn't know he was in our town..." Before the old man could finish speaking, Xu Minghai suddenly stood up. He got up and startled the old man, "What are you doing? You're scaring people."

  "Thank you, uncle, I have to leave in case of emergency." As he said this, Xu Minghai hurried out. He just saw the fat man from yesterday.

  Xu Minghai left the alley and hid in a corner. After a while, he watched the fat man with his middle-parted hair emerge from yesterday. He originally wanted to follow him to see what he was doing, and then come back to continue asking, but he saw the fat man entering a house on the street after walking a few steps.

  It turned out to be a barber's shop, and he wanted to get his hair cut. Xu Minghai walked in and took a look inside, thinking that he couldn't see anything here. He was about to leave, but he didn't expect the words coming from inside to make him sullen.

  "I'm so happy because I met an idiot yesterday." The fat man was obviously very proud of what happened yesterday. "

  "Isn't that right? Didn't I hear Xu Datou say a while ago that his village's name is Bin's fortune? I originally wanted to find someone to play with, but I asked my brother to follow me for a few days, but that person has been staying at home recently. I have never left their village at all. I thought my work was in vain this time, but who would have thought that a wild boar seller would appear in their village in the past few days."

  Fatty Brother Biao was spitting as he spoke, and the hunchback barber kept clicking the scissors in his hand.

  "Hey, wild boar, that's a lot of money." The barber said with envy.

  "No, we asked Xu Datou to go back to the village to inquire. We found out that Erlangzi, who was rich in selling pigs, also liked to play cards. So yesterday we stopped him while he was passing through the town when he came back from the county. Hehe, You know, that kid lost thirty dollars in one afternoon."

  "Ah, thirty yuan! Isn't this more than a month's wages of the iron rice bowl worker in the spinning factory?" The hunchback who was barbering shook his hands when he was excited and cut off an extra bunch of hair.

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