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Tasia POV

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Tasia POV

"And that's a wrap, everybody! Thank y'all so much I appreciate every single one of you for making this possible! You all have become my second family and will forever hold a special place in my heart. Give yourselves a round of applause!" Blitz said with a wide smile on his face.

Everyone clapped and started to converse and hug. My heart was so warm. I felt an arm wrap around my shoulder. "We did it, my baby!" I smiled and looked over at Raji and placed my hand on hers. "This is wild. We really did. Without you I don't know how I would've gotten through this T foreal" I feel myself getting emotional and she rolls her eyes playfully. "Tasia you better not! Cause we gone be fighting if you get me crying" I giggled and dabbed the corner of my eyes.

"Stop it! I'm foreal" I said back and she just pulled me into a hug "I know. The same goes for me you know that. I love you boo"

"I love you too baby. Now who getting all emotional?" I said laughing in her ear making her slap my shoulder and pull away.

"Anyways! Wanna come over? And I wish the hell you would say you got a dog to feed Fantasia! We know you ain't got no damn dog!" She said playfully. My jaw dropped once I realized I was caught. Corey and Danielle walked up and laughed hearing Taraji's last words.

"When the hell did y'all find that out?"

"Girl when I came to your house to pick up that cake and realized it wasn't shit in there that could've belonged to a dog. No toys, no water or food bowl, no dog food nothing!" Danielle said cracking up. I just rolled my eyes playfully. "I was manifesting?"

Taraji waved me off "Yeah whatever! I'll catch up with y'all later chile" I watched her walk away with a smile on my face not realizing there was a pair of eyes on me.

"Girl when you gone stop playing and get your girl!" Dani said smirking making my eyes widen and I turned my head to look at her. "I don't know what you're talking about.."

She crossed her arms and gave me that big sister look making me sigh. "That kiss damn near altered your entire brain chemistry. You can't even look at her without smiling and don't think I didn't peep you constantly looking at her lips. You've become my little sister Tasia I peep all of it. Don't let something beautiful pass you by just because you're scared"

"I don't know what you're talking about Dani" I said softly hoping she'd let it go. She gave me a knowing smile and squeezed my shoulder then walked off to catch up with Corey.

I said congratulations to everyone on set and goofed off with Ciara for a few before going ahead and heading to my trailer to change. I put on a pair of sweats and a hoodie. I looked at a few of the slips and slickly put them into my duffle bag. Some of these were cute. I heard a knock on the door and I hurriedly zipped the bag.

"Come in!" In walked Ms. Oprah and Taraji. "Hey, y'all come on in." I said. They both sat on the couch and I joined them sitting next to Taraji. Her hand instantly went to my leg and I had to calm myself.

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