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Taraji POV(The Next Day)

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Taraji POV
(The Next Day)

I woke up a little discombobulated. My eyes adjusted to the room and I looked over to see Fantasia at my desk typing on her computer. She had on her headphones and was hopping her head.

I looked around and grabbed a small pillow and threw it softly to get her attention. Her head snapped around and she glared at me making me chuckle.

"Goodmorning" I said smiling. She chuckled and came over to me. "Goodmorning my love. You feeling okay?" She caressed my cheek. I was just smiling.

I nodded "Mhm. Much better actually. Can you call the doctor? I need this shit out asap." I said waving my arm with the IV in it around.

She laughed and nodded. "Yeah, mama I'll call."

She tried to lean down and kiss me and I moved back making her mug me. I laughed. "Girl you're going to get sick!"

She shrugged "I don't care. I want a kiss. Plus the doctor gave me the medicine to prevent me getting sick" She said leaning down again. This time I let her kiss me before starting to get up.

"You need help mama?" She asked. I shook my head.

"No baby I got it thank you though" As I was in the bathroom I heard Tasia on the phone with I'm assuming the doctor. I did my morning routine getting a bit irritated with the IV in the process.

I hope Dr.C gets here quickly.

Going back into the room I sat crisscrossed on the bed. Tasia was back at the desk and I needed some attention! "Tasiaaaa come here" I pleaded.

She finished up whatever she was doing before coming back over to me. "Yesss my love. What's wrong?"

I wrapped my arms around her neck pulling her down with me in a hug. I felt her chuckle into my neck before placing a kiss there. She pulled back looking deep into my eyes.

"Nothing's wrong I just missed you. I didn't even get to properly say it yesterday." I said softly. My eyes flickered from her eyes to her lips.

She grinned knowing exactly what I wanted. She teased me by lightly brushing her lips over mine and pulling back when I leaned up. I groaned. "Stop it" I frowned.

She chuckled and leaned down kissing me intensely. Her tongue swiped against my bottom lip and I gladly granted her entry. I moaned into the kiss. Everything she did seemed to make the warmth I felt shoot right down to my center. My hips lifted subconsciously trying to get friction from somewhere.

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