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Taraji POV(This wasn't proofread so excuse any mistakes)

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Taraji POV
(This wasn't proofread so excuse any mistakes)

Tasia was going to kill me. We were currently at an afterparty for the NAACP Awards and were pulled all over by people who wanted to congratulate and speak to us. Colman and I were speaking when I felt a hand on my side.

His eyes widened letting me know it was not Fantasia. "May I steal her from you for a second?" I mouthed for him to find Tasia and he nodded. I turned around attempting to back away but she seemed to get even closer.

"Halle" I warned. She giggled "What? Didn't you say you weren't seeing anyone?"

"What I tell the media and what is real is a big difference and you know that. So not only for my sake but for yours you need to back up..." I could tell that she was drunk. Her stumbling and falling forward definitely confirmed that.

I grabbed her to make sure she didn't bust her face in front of all these people. "Halle Maria Berry. You are in a public setting. These people see you as an icon. Get your shit together because if you fall I'm walking away. I will not be on tmz and the shade room with you" I gritted in irritation.

Should've stayed my ass home.

I was trying to discreetly scan the room to find Fantasia but came up short. I huffed. I dragged her to a bathroom after hearing her gag. I leaned against the sink with my arms crossed as she threw up.

After she came out she tried to come close to me. Immediately I took some steps back and she scrunched up her face. "Why are you acting like this!? You never treat me like this. Plus I thought you weren't with her!"

I furrowed my brows "Who the hell told you that lie?? And don't say anything about social media because you know better. I said to your face that I'm in love with her so save that fake ass hurt act for somebody who gives a fuck. You're a good actress but not that damn good."

I watched her eyes get watery making me groan. I forgot she was this type of drunk.

"So it's just fuck me?! We spent that whole summer together and even small moments after that but now it's fuck me!" She yelled.

My eyes widened "Lower your fucking voice" I gritted out. She flinched at my tone.

"That summer was just that. A summer. It is in the past! How many times do I have to stress that to you!? If you keep this shit up I will no longer even consider you an acquaintance! If Fantasia was here she'd probably whoop your ass!"

Halle rolled her eyes before attempting to back me into a corner. "I will fight you move the fuck back! You are crazy!" I said furrowing my brows.

This bitch was more than crazy.

Before I even had time to say or do anything she was being pulled back. My eyes widened and I watched as Tasia yanked her by her hair and pushed her against the wall. "You might be crazy but sweetheart I'm insane." Tasia said to her.

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