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Taraji POV(I definitely did not proofread this)

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Taraji POV
(I definitely did not proofread this)

What the hell have I gotten myself into?

Was the only thing I could think as my body squirmed against the silk sheets. I was currently blindfolded with my legs spread and tied to the bed. My arms were tied above my head. My heart was pumping as I got more and more anxious. The tension in the room was so thick and almost suffocating.

I could hear her moving around the room but wasn't sure exactly where. I felt a finger run down my stomach making me jump.

She chuckled "Relax mama" I darted my tongue out to wet my dry lips. Her finger drew lines on my body and I was losing it.

Fantasia placed kisses all over me before landing back on my lips. I moaned into the kiss and rocked my hips up. She broke the kiss going to my neck leaving multiple love bites in her wake before heading south showing both of my nipples attention as I whimpered begging for more.

She lifted completely off of me making me huff. Where was she going??

I tried my best to relax and hear what she was doing but it seemed like the only thing I heard was my heart thumping.

Feeling something cold and solid slide into my folds I jumped and whimpered at the feeling. The ice, the blind fold, along with everything else? I felt extra sensitive. Every touch, kiss, and even the sound of her voice made me twitch.

'Anytime, Anyplace' by Janet Jackson filled the room adding on to the already sensual feeling in our bedroom.

I felt two of her fingers plunge into my slickness forcing a loud mom out of me. Every stroke triggered a noise out of me. "Tasiaaa fuckkk" I whimpered moving my hips to match her pace trying to keep up.

Her fingers curled slightly sending me straight into my first orgasm. Only this woman could get me to cum this fast.

Shortly after I felt her mouth on me. Her tongue licking between my folds I started to feel her making specific lines. I could hardly focus from how good she was eating me. "Babyyyy fuck! right there right there" I panted. Not being able to see her made the sensations 10 times stronger.

Her lips wrapped around my clit sending me into  another powerful release.

I felt kissed being placed back up my body after she cleaned me up with her mouth.

"Now I know I said we'd drop it but I feel like I didn't get my point across how I wanted to. So...after this we'll actually drop it." She rasped into my ear. It felt like my heart dropped to my ass.

Oh shit. After what!?

Before I could think any longer I felt her slide a vibrating bullet inside of me. "TASIA!" My legs started to shake as moans and curses flew out of my mouth. "That feel good mama?" She asked lowly in my ear. Nodding as my chest rapidly moved up and down. "S-shit yesss! Ahh!" I threw my head back screaming out as the pleasure became too much. My back arched and my toes curled as I was sent into two back to back orgasms.

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